Cpl HS 1P/PP-CS 861218 (2)Mr. Dick Calvert, Architect for the Municipal Service Center, made the presentation to the Council. It is his recommendation that this Fuel Management System be purchased for use at the new Service Center. It is also the recommendation of the Acting City Manager that the system be purchased. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Smothermon moved that the Fuel Management System be purchased as adequate funds are available. Councilman Wolfe seconded; motion carried 5-2 with Councilmen Wilkerson, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe and Stanton voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tem Ware and Councilman Morton voting against the motion. ORDINANCES Item 16: Consider approval of an ordinance authorizing City Employees to effectively deal with emergency situations and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilman Morton moved that Ordinance No. 87376 be approved. Councilman Smothermon seconded; motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Ware, Councilmen Wilkerson, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe and Stanton voting in favor of the motion. PLATTING SPECIAL USE PERMIT Item 17: Consideration and recommendation for the clarification of the Special Use Permit section of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Taryon Bowman, Sr. Planning Technician, made the presentation to the Council. It is the question of the Planning and Zoning Department as to the definition of whether or not Special Use Permit Section in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance is cumulative in nature. It was the consensus of the Council that this section of the Zoning Ordinance is cumulative as are other sections of the ordinance. PRELIMINARY PLAT Item 18: Consider Preliminary Plat application and Site Plan for Coppell High School located south of Cottonwood Creek, west of Denton Tap Road and north of Sandy Lake Road for approximately 49.9 acres with the following variances as stipulated below. Date of Planning & Zoning Commission Decision of Planning & Zoning - December 18, 1986 - Approval (4-0) (1 abstained) with the condition that an alternate route should be shown on plans. 1. Building Height - Zoning Ordinance limits height to 35 feet or 2-1/2 stores - proposed height is 52 feet. 2. Lighting - Zoning Ordinance limits amount of detectable light at residential property line to .25 foot candles - west property line will receive approximately 5 foot candles. 3. Parking - Zoning Ordinance requires one parking space for each three seating spaces in stadiums - 2,000 parking spaces required for seating of 6,000 in football stadium - proposed parking spaces is approximately 1,250. 4. Parking Surface - Subdivision Ordinance requires six inch concrete on a prepared (lime stabilized) subgrade - proposed parking lot is crushed gravel. 5. Screening Wall - Zoning Ordinance requires a six foot masonary screening wall on west and south property line - request for screening to be deleted. Mr. Jerry King and Mr. Jim Foutch representatives of the Coppell Independent School District and Dr. David Stanfield made the presentation to the Council. Following discussion by the Council, Councilman Wolfe moved that the Preliminary Plat and Site Plan for this item be approved with the following stipulations: That the building height be granted a variance to allow for a proposed height of the structure to 52 feet. me That the variance on the lighting be approved with the use of a blinder to cut the sideways spillage of the light onto adjoining property owners. Be That the variance from the required 2,000 parking spaces be decreased to 1,250. 0 That five inches of concrete on a prepared subgrade be allowed for the entire parking area with no gravel parking areas. That as many trees as possible will be left on the west with a six foot chain length fence being constructed on the outside of the trees along the west property line. Dr. Melvin Gross, who was in the audience, stated that he would be willing to donate any property to the school that would be required to put this fence on the outside area of the trees and this femce would also be constructed along the southern property line up to Oak Trail. The gate to this property would be for emergency use only. ThE gate to this property on the south side of the property would be considered to be for emergency traffic only and extra emphasis on shrubbery would be followed along the south property line from the chain length fence east to the school's eastern most property line. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion which carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Ware, Councilmen Wilkerson, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe and Stanton voting in favor of the motion. The meeting was then adjourned. Lou Duggan, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary MINUTES 012787 MI~ITS