Cpl HS 1P/PP-CS 861215 (3) ENGINEER or CONSULTANT: Teague Nall and Perkins c/o Tom Rutledge 915 Florence Street Ft. Worth, Texas 76102 Page 8 Developer, Engineer Planner, Surveyor or any other Development Interests present: Tom Rutledge - Jim Boughton 915 Florence Street Ft. Worth, Texas 76102 2nd Review of: Coppell High School - Preliminary Plat and Site Plan me ENGINEERING: Contact Shohre Daneshmand @ 462-0022 1) Accessability to the site should be more thoroughly discussed at the final plat submittal. 2) Plat is acceptable. BUILDING INSPECTION: 1) Need number of seats in bleachers to request parking variance. 2) Need variance for 50' building height. 3) Need variance for gravel parking lot at football stadium. FIRE 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Fire hydrants required every 300 feet with the exceptions as previously discussed. Must provide an all weather driving surface on not less than 24 feet of unobstructed width, with adequate roadway turning radius capable of supporting the imposed loads of fire apparatus before construction begins. Fire hydrants and water system must be operational before construction begins. The access roadway shall be extended to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of any building. Uniform Fire Code, 1982 is applicable. Preliminary Plat is acceptable. Will discuss a variance to the sprinkler system for the gymnasium. LONE STAR GAS: No representative was present. GENERAL TELEPHONE: 1) Service is available. 2) Easements are OK - developers will need to contact Building and Industry Consultant (BIC) for detail service arrangements to site. Me Ge Jo me Page 9 COPPELL CABLEVISION: I) Service is available. 2) Need 2" PVC from property line to point of entry or telephone room. 3) Also, if possible a 2" to the press box of the football stadium, baseball field and gym. U.S. POSTAL SERVICE: No representative was present. DEVELOPMENT INSPECTOR: No Comment. TEXAS POWER & LIGHT: 1) Service details to be worked out with building plans. 2) Preliminary Plat is accetable. 3) Need to meet with Glen Fabian of Texas Power & Light to work out service details - additional easements may be required at that time. Contact Glen Fabian at 888-1382. PARKS AND RECREATION: No Comment. PUBLIC WORKS: Unable to obtain comments from Public Works - please contact Steve Goram, Director of Public Works, at 462-0022. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: 1) Revisions must be submitted by 3:00 p.m., on Monday, December 15, 1986 to be eligible for December 18, 1986 Planning and Zoning Commission action. Please submit 22 copies and 3 reductions. 2) This item is tentatively.scheduled for December 18, 1986 Planning and Zoning Commission action. 3) Please submit a written response to all comments in the form of a letter when corrections are returned. DRC/MINS