Cpl HS 1P/PP-CS 861205 817 336-5773 Metro 429-8306 TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS December 5, 1986 City Engineer City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Preliminary Plat Coppell High School Dear Mr. Powell: Thank you for meeting with Mike Jones, Jim Boughton and myself regarding the comments from the Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting held by the City staff on November 25, 1986. As agreed in the meeting we are providing at this time written response to these comments for the additional DRC meeting on December 10. DRC comments: The developer, architect and engineer have been added with names and addresses on the cover sheet. Ail fire lanes shall be 6 inch reinforced concrete pavement with the possibility of eliminating the 6 inch lime stabilization. The soils report indicates a soil with a Plasticity Index ground 10. Thus once the subgrade has been compacted, tests will be performed to indicate the subgrade conditions. The water surface elevation and the flood plain has been added to the preliminary drainage plan. Upon completion of final plat and on site topography, the flood plain will be more accurately shown. No formal approval or HEC-II runs are necessary due to the fact that no filling is being done in the "floodway". Ail fittings have been shown on the preliminary water and sewer layout and more detail will be provided at time of submital of final plans. 915 Florence Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Mr. Ed Powell, P.E. December 5, 1986 Page Two 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Additional information has been provided on the drainage area map as required. As agreed, the 27 inch storm drain pipe stubbed up to area 0A-4 will remain to allow for future extension by others to drain this drainage area. This will be classified as a public storm drain system. In reference to the pilot channel proposed on the east property line it is our recommendation that although Rock Rip Rap is not shown in the standard construction drawings, that, in this case, it is needed to provide a transition from the concrete pilot to the grass side slopes. This will help to buffer the velocities and control erosion. As requested, the amount of water entering the storm drain system has been shown on the drainage plans. Street names have been added to all sheets. Additional information has been provided on the grading and drainage plan. The letters of agreement requested from the adjacent property owners for the outfall and drainage will be provided at time of final platting. Presently negotiations are being worked out between all concerned property owners for receiving this drainage. The 10-foot utility easement requested by General Telephone has been added to the preliminary plat. However, prior to recording the final plat the exact location and widths of all easements will be finalized at that time. The detail requested for the master meter vault will be submitted along with final construction plans. Existing water line sizes have been added to the drawings. The valve requested on the private internal loop fire line has been added to the system. Service sizes have been added to the water and sewer layout. Mr. Ed Powell, P.E. December 5, 1986 Page Three 17. A parking variance is being requested at this time for the number of parking spaces required due to the stadium capacity. 18. Ail storm drain, inlets, grates with their size, type and capacity will be provided on final plans. As discussed in our meeting, it was agreed that the majority of these comments submitted by City staff at DRC reflect concerns to be addressed on the final plat. Therefore, these concerns will be addressed during final design and at time of submittal of the final plat. Thank you again for the time you and your staff have devoted to review and coordination of this project and we look forward to completing final construction drawings with your staff. If you have any questions or comments regarding any of these comments, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. Tom Rutledge STR/ll Enclosures cci David Stanfield Jim Boughton