Cpl HS 1P/PP-CS 861114 (2)Coppell High School (Coppell I.S.D.) 1201 Wrangler Drive Coppell, Tx 75019 214-471-1111 CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION_ * Date November 14 , 19 86 Subdivision Name· CoPVe~ H~h Sch~o~ Preliminary. Plat .. Applicant ' CooDell I.S~p. ;~rcrpe~ed high' school sit~. Address 1201 Wrangler Drive Coppell Texas 75019 Street C~ty SLa~e Zip · Phone .! (21~) 471-%1~1 Firm'Preparing Plat TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. Address 915 Florence Stree't Fort Worth, Texas 76102 ' S~ree~ City State .~ip' .PhOne ] (817) 336-5773 P'roperty Owner. Coppell I.S.D. (under condemnation) '6. · Address : Street · 'City ..... State Zip " Phone ! " Developer Same as "Appel. cant" ' - u Address ......... ~-'...- $=reet ' : City State ' Phone All Correspondence relative, to this application should be directed to wh om: ~ame Address TEAGUE NALL AND ~ERKINS, INC. 915 Florence Street (Atten. Tom Rutledge) Ci fy, State, ' Zip - __Fort Worth, Texas 76102 · ' Phone ! ~-17)'336-5773 --- ' General Location of Property A-50-acre tract of land .located south of Cottonwood Creek, west of Denton Tap Rd. and north of Sandy Lane' Rd. More specifically', it is bordered on the west b Cottonwood Estates, on the south by Summer Place Addition ~.d Shadydale Acres and on the north and east by undeveloped land owned by Good Asset/ares. What. is the present Zoning District? C-Commercfal A~e you requesting any zoning change? .No If yes, what is the Case File No;? N/A Zoning district requested? N/A 10. Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use ~o. of Lots or Units Si.___n~.le Family _.. . D__up]ex C'"6~.-,,: r--%q ~ "' ' ' ,."'Pub]it Strect R/H Par);n, ~Bt~iic ' (SchOol) ~ondominium (SPeCify new or converson) Tota 1 Ac~es ['/or each use) · 49.9 acres 1 49.9 ~cres This is being submitted as a school site =ather than a subdivision.