Cpl HS 1P/PP-AG 870127 Coppell, Texas 75019 ~ //~ The City With A Beautiful Future 21~,~(~,~t~r_~.__~ I. AGENDA DATE REQUESTED. Jan~y 27, 1987 II. RECOMMENDED ITEM CAPTION: Preliminary Plat application a C0ppef~ High School located south of Cottonwood Creek, west of Denton Tap Road and north of Sandy Lake Road for approx~matel~ 49.9 acres. W~thdr~wn from January 13, 1987 City Council meeting. III. RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: Date of Planning and Zoning Commission meeting - December 18, 1986 De~sion of Planning and Zoning Commission - Approval (4-0)(I abstained) with the condition that an alternate route should be shown on plans. IV. STAFF REPRESENTATIVE(S) TO ATTEND COUNCIL MEETING: Ta~yon Bowman, Senior Planning Technician VIII. IX. X. RECOMMMENDED TO BE DISCUSSED AT PRE-COUNCIL BRIEFING: Yes No SUPPORT MATERIAL: SUBMITTED Yes X No DATE SUBMITTED TO CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FOR PREPARATION OF AN~ LEGAL DOCUMENT, ORDINANCE, RESOLUTION, ETC. FINANCIAL REVIEW: BUDGETED ITEM NON BUDGETED ITEM ORIGINAL ESTIMATE OR BUDGET CURRENT ESTIMATE: AMOUNT UNDER OR OVER BUDGET SUBMITTED BY SOURCE OF FUNDING: BOND FUNDS OPERATING BUDGET OTHER: ACCT. NO. Planning and Zoning Department APPROVAL OF CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE: HOLD AGNDARQSTFORM MNITS ITEM The City With A Beautiful F CITY OF COPPELL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST AGENDA DATE REQUESTED: January 13, 1987 P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 II. RECOMMENDED ITEM CAPTION: Preliminary Plat Application and site plan for Co~ell High School located south of Cottonwood Creek, west of Denton Tap Road and north of Sandy Lake Road for approximately 49.9 acres. III. RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: Date of Planning & zoning Commission Meeting - December 18, 1986 Decision of Plannin~ & Zoning Commission - a~roved (4-0)(1 abstained) - with the condition that an alternate route should be shown on plans. Ve VI. VII. VIII. IV. STAFF REPRESENTATIVE(S) TO ATTEND COUNCIL MEETING: Tarpon Bowmant Senior Planning Technician RECOMMMENDED TO BE DISCUSSED AT PRE-COUNCIL BRIEFING: Yes No SUPPORT MATERIAL: SUBMITTED Yes X No DATE SUBMITTED TO CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FOR PREPARATION OF ANY LEGAL DOCUMENT, ORDINANCE, RESOLUTION, ETC. FINANCIAL REVIEW: BUDGETED ITEM NON BUDGETED ITEM ORIGINAL ESTIMATE OR BUDGET $ CURRENT ESTIMATE: $ AMOUNT UNDER OR OVER BUDGET $ IX. SUBMITTED BY ~lanninq & zonin~u~ar~menDe~artment X. APPROVAL OF CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE:~ ~ HOLD SOURCE OF FUNDING: BOND FUNDS OPERATING BUDGET OTHER: ACCT. NO. AGNDARQSTFORM MNITS The City With A Beautiful Future P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 Date: Dec-tuBer 18, 1986 Planning and Zoning Department Case #: Coppei1 High School Preliminarw Plat and Site Plan South of Cottonwood Creek, west of Denton Tap Road and north of Sand~ Lake Road. Preliminar~ Plat approval. Teague Nall and Perkins ATT. Tom Rutledge 915 Florence Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Applicant is requesting approval of preliminary plat. Staff reco~ends approval of the preliminar~ plat. The City With A Beautiful Future P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 January Z1, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: Frank Trando, Interim City Manager Dale Jackson, Chief Building Inspector Variances for High School Project The Coppell Independent School District has requested variances from four sections of the Zoning Ordinance and one section, of the Subdivision Ordinance. These variance requests are for the construction of the new high school and are as follows: Buildinl~ Height - Section Z3.Z of the Zoning Ordinance limits the height of buildings to 35 feet or Z~4 stories. The proposed height is 5Z feet. Lightin~ - Section 35.1 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the amount of detectable light at any residential property line to .25 foot candles. Calculations have shown that the west property line will receive approximately 5 foot candles due to the lighting from the baseball field and football stadium. Parking - Section 30.6 33 of the Zoning Ordinance requires one (1) parking space for each three (3) seating spaces in stadiums or sports arenas. The seating for the football stadium will be 6,000 - 6,000 seats will require Z,000 parking spaces under this section. The proposed parking spaces provided is approximately 1,ZS0. Parkin~ Sm'face - Section J on page Z1 of the Subdivision Ordinance states that parking lots for public use shall be constructed of six inch concrete on a prepared (lime stabilized) subgrade... The proposed lot for visitor parking at the football stadium is crushed gravel. Screen~-g wan - Section 3Z. 1 1 of the Zoning Ordinance requires a six foot masonry screening wall to be erected at the west property line and the south property line adjacent to the ZF-9 zoning. The request is that the screening be deleted. Please scheudle these variances to be heard on the January Z7 Council meeting so that they may be considered in conjunction with the preliminary plat request. DJ/dgc January 13, 1987 Mr. Dale Jackson Building Inspector City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Coppell High School Dear Mr. Jackson: On behalf of the Coppell Independent School District, SHWC requests a hearing of the Coppell City Council for three additional variances on the above referenced project. The first variance pertains to the 35 ft. or 2-1/2 stories building height limitation. The second is a request for clarification on the drainage system for the building roof drains. The third variance is a request for deviation from the maximum allowable lighting intensity at the property line of the adjacent residential property. This request specifically pertains to the field lighting for the football stadium and competitive baseball field. If you have any questions regarding these requests, ~lease do not hesitate to call either myself or Gary Keep. Very truly yours, SHWC, Inc. Jim Boughton Senior Associate dB:jb cc: Dr. David Stanfield, Supt. Coppell I.S.D. ~HWC, INC. ARCHI':'~CTS ENGINEERS PLANJ~qERS 560! N'~AC ARTHUR BLVD · FOURTH FLOOR'" AS COLIN,z' .: O ,BOX 6' 0087' DALLAS, TEXAS 75261 · (214~ ES0 0700 COPPELL HIGH scHOOL REQUEST FOR VARIANCE - ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT ATTACHMENT The Coppell independent School District requestS a variance to the building height limitation of 35 ft. or 2-1/2 stories, as required by Section 23.2 of the City Zoning Ordinance No. 297. permit the construction of · requestS this variance to The School District ~ ~taoe with a fly ~oft. This type of stage construction ull operable w°r~"~eoui ment to De lifted above the stage opening, low scenery ano uL., - P ~i~1 a~ from the seating area· This type of operation is typical of all not visible would b~ a great asset to the community professional performing stages, and of Coppell. lity, a clear height in the stage area of To construct this type of faci . · 'red to hang scenery approximatelY 2-1/2 times the proscenium opening ~s requ~ re the other types of equipment. This type of construction will requi and ,~. ~ rrounding the stage to be approximately 52 ft. above grade. masonry wa,,= ~u · ~ . a number of reasons. .The ..... ~<t ~ust,f~able fo[ _ -- ~e east elevation he District considers this ~-~h School will De u-~wn Center. The T -~min~ arts portion o~ the ~w ~_~t~ oresently zoneu -~ in per.u- ~ to the prup~- ~ r 1ding height of 120 ft. this of the school and adjacen~ 'nance permits a maximum bui Coppell Zoning Ord~ ...... n Therefore, we do not feel that the granting type of zoning class~tlca~'u ' on the adjacent property to the of this variance would have a negative effect is only 50 ft. x 100 ft. in east of the site. In addition, the stage area , we feel that this facility will be an asset size. As previously mentioned consideration ~o the community of Coppell. . For these reasons, Coppell Independent School District requests your of this variance. COPPELL HIGH SCHOOL REQUEST FOR VARIANCE - FIELD LIGHTING ON ADJACENT PROPERTY ATTACHMENT The Coppell Independent School District requests a variance to the maximum allowable intensity of lighting on adjacent residential property, of 0.25 ft. candles, as required by Section 35.1 of the City Zoning Ordinance No. 297. As part of the program for the new High School, a new football stadium and competitive baseball field will be constructed. A necessary part of these facilities is field lighting for night time us%, similar to the existing High School facilities. The new football stadum has been located as far east on the property as possible in order to minimize sound and light effect on the residential property to the west and south of the proposed High School site. However, some light spill over is anticipated on the adjoining property to the west, even though lights will be directed to the football playing field. This is also true for the competitive baseball field, which is located at the west side of the school property. Our preliminary calculations indicate that the football field lighting shall place approximately 5 ft. candles on the west property line, and that the competitive baseball field will place approximately 10-15 ft. candles on the same west side property line. The purchase of a site large enough to allow for placement of the fields in accordance with the City Ordinance would be cost prohibitive and no sites of that size were available. Since these facilities are required to replace those at the existing High School campus, the District requests that this variance be permitted to allow construction of the competitive baseball field and football stadium. December 23, 1986 Dallas, Texas Mr. Dale Jackson, Building Inspector City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Coppell High School Dear Mr. Jackson: On behalf of the Coppell Independent School District, SHWC, Inc. requests a hearing of the Coppell City Council on two variances for the above-mentioned project. The first variance that we are requesting is a change in the present 3-to-1 parking ratio as required by the City Zoning Ordinance to a 5-to-1 parking ratio. Please refer to the attached variance entitled Coppell High School Football Stadium Parking. The second variance requested is a clarification of an item on the City Zoning Ordinance. The Coppell School District would like to consider the use of a crushed stone or similar flexible material for the parking lot that surrounds the football stadium. Please refer to the attachment entitled Paving Material. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or Gary Keep. Sincerely, SHWC, Inc. Jim Bough ton Senior Associate JEB:lam Enclosures Dr. David Stanfield, Coppell I. S. D. SHWC, INC. ARCH!]~ECTSENGINtERS~iA!~,,!qERS 560i ~',/~AC ARTHUR BLVD °FOURTH FOORo:,cSC©LIr~,IAS°p© ,qO',,t,]9087"DALL,~S TFXAS752C ° /',_, 55C ;':~ ' COPPELL H GH SCHOOL REQUEST FOR VARIANCE - FOOTBALL STADIUM PARKING ATTACHMENT The Coppell Independent School District requests a variance to the 3:1 parking ratio, as presently defined by Section 30.6 of the City Zoning Ordinance 297. The District is requesting that a 5:1 ratio be established for this facility. The School District considers this request justifiable for a number of reasons. As you are probably aware, locating a piece of property for any particular use in the City of Coppell is very difficult. The District was fortunate in locating a 50 acre tract in a centrally located area. As you can see from the attached preliminary site plan, the site has been improved, with the exception of the areas delineated for future expansi66 and an area near the southeast corner of the site which is covered by natural tree growth and is being preserved for its aesthetic value. As you can see, there is very little parking that could be added to the high school site without the addition of exorbitant cost brought about by concrete parking structure. In addition to the restraints of the high school site, we consider the present 3:1 ratio to be excessive because of the special conditions present for a high school football stadium. In the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, a stadium is included in a group of facilities such as theaters, auditoriums and gymnasiums, which would be used on a much more regular basis when compared to a football stadium. It is also noted that many times the football stadium will not be used at full capacity. The means of transportation used by patrons of the stadium are also much different than those normally used for theaters and auditoriums, especially at the high school level. It is anticipated that many of the visitors will be coming in §roups and all football players, band members, drill team members and other organizations will be transported to the stadium in school buses. This type of transportation greatly reduces the need for parking spaces. Our research into the parking ratio requirements of other municipalities in the Dallas area range from 4:1 up to 8:1. This would seem to indicate that the requirements established by the City of Coppell are in excess of the requirements needed for facilities such as theaters and auditoriums, which we consider to be in excess of the requirements for a foOtball stadium. For these reasons, Coppell I.S.D. requests your consideration of a variance to the parking ratio requirements-of the City Zoning Ordinance. Site Plan COPPELL HIGH SCHOOL REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION - PAVING MATERIAL ATTACHMENT The Coppell Independent School District is requesting clarification on item 41.91, Section 41 of the City Zoning Ordinance 297. This item defines the surface material for parl~ing areas as an all-weather surface. The District would like to request bids from general contractors for an alternate parking surface comprised of crushed stone or comparible materials, for the stadium. Alternate bids are necessary to provide the School District the flexibility of selecting alternate prices that will keep the total construction cost within their budget. Crushed stone parking lots would only be provided around the football stadium. All parking lots for the high ~chool building, which would be used on a daily basis for student and staff parking, as well as the fire lanes, will be constructed of reinforced concrete paving. Coppeli I.S.D. considers this request justifiable because of the additional cost of the concrete paving that would be paid by the taxpayers within the boundaries of the Coppell School District. It is also noted that the parking lots for the stadium would, of course, be used on a very limited basis, thus making the need for concrete paving even more questionable. January 16, 1987 Mr. Dale Jackson City of Coppell Building Inspector P.O. Box 478 Coppel], TX 75019 RE: Coppell High School Dear Mr. Jackson: On behalf of the Coppell Independent Scho~l District, SHWC requests a hearing of the Coppell City Council for a variance on the afore- mentioned project. This variance request pertains to the deletion of the masonry screening wall on property lines bordering single family or two family residential districts. If you have any questions regarding this request please do not hesitate to call. , Very truly yours, SHWC, Inc. Senior Associate JB:jb cc: Dr. David Stanfield, Supt. CoppelI I.S.D. INC. ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS 5601 MAC ARTHUR BLVD.FOURTH FLOOR.~.ASCOL?~,~ASoEO BOx6i9087.DALL,ES TF~'£,S COPPELL rlIGH SCHOOL REQUEST FOR VARIANCE - MASONRY SCREENING WALLS ATTACHMENT The Coppell Independent School District requests a variance to Section 32.1 1 of the City Zoning Ordinance No. 297. ' The District requests a variance to the requirement of construction of a masonry screening wall on the side, rear, or service sioe of the property that is adjacent to single family or two family residential districts. More specifically, this is the west property line and a portion of the south property line of the proposed High School site, which borders existing residential areas. The District requests this variance due to the nature of the facility proposed for this site. This portion of the site has been dedicated for practice fields for football, soccer, softball, and baseball, and could be used by the public as a natural recreation area for the bordering residential areas. In addition, the fields will provide a visually pleasing area for surrounding residents. The District considers this request reasonable due to the fact that a similar variance was requested for the Elementary School on Moore Road and was approved. Jackie R. Mayfield Fire Chief P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-1133 January 22, 1987 Dr. David Stanfield, Superintendent Coppell Independent School District 1201 Wrangler Drive Coppell, Texas 75019 Dr. Stanfield The purpose of this letter is to clarify the Fire Department's position in the use of Willow Lane as an emergency entrance to the campus of the new Coppell High School. This department has no objection to the School District providing a secondary ingress/egress to the campus from Willow Lane. A gate, secured by lock, chain, and key, with the key(s) provided to this agency is acceptable. A "road", as you suggest, must meet the standards of construction as detailed in the City of Coppell's ordinances. Please understand that the question/position this is addressed here pertains only the emergency ingress/egress to the property. Do not construe this as to an endorsement for domestic vehicle usage of Oak Trail or Shadydale. Thank you for your concern for fire and life safety for this facility. Sinclrely, -- /~-------~ cc: Frank Trando - Interim City Manager Taryon Bowman - ORC Chairperson