Coppell MSN/FP-DR 970130 (2) DEVELOPMENT R RVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Coppell Middle School North Addition. Final Plat, to ~__t!_ow the development of a middle sclmol and an elementary school on a 26.57 acre tract of land and to e__rt_end Natches Trace Drive from Denton Tap Road eastward through property located north of Denton Creek and south of S.H. 121 Bypass (also known as Wtsta Ridge Blvd.). DRC DATE: January 30, 1997 and February 6, 1997 CONTACT: Mike Martin, E.I.T., Assistant City Engineer 004-3679) */PRELIMINARY REVISED AFTER P&Z 1. Show fire lane easements and provide metes and bounds description on the exhibit. 2. Show sight visibility triangles at all ingress/egress points. 3. Provide a right-of-way corner clip at the southeast corner of the development where Natches Trace Dr. & The 28' future public road intersects to provide for future side walk and A.D.A. ramp. Also, provide right-of-way corner clips at the intersection of Natches Trace Dr. & Denton Tap Rd. and at Vista Ridge Blvd. & the 28' future public road. Landscaping Plans: 4. Show sigh visibility triangles at all driveways intersecting Natches Trace Drive as per the City's Subdivision Ordinance. All landscaping must be located outside of the visibility triangles.