Coppell MSN/PP-AG 970211 (2) .AGENDA REQUEST FORM IL MEETING. February 11, 1997 ITEM # /I ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Coppell Middle School North Addition, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of a middle school and an elementary school on a 26.5 acre tract of land and to extend Natches Trace Drive from Denton Tap Road eastward through property located north of Denton Creek, south of S.H. 121 Bypass (also known as Vista Ridge Boulevard). SUBMITTED~-Gary L. Sieb / TITL~ Director of Pt~hning and Community Services STAFF RECO~(ENDS: Approval ~ Denial STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: January 16, 1997 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval(5-0) with Commissioners Mabry, Wheeler, Cruse, DeFilippo and McCaffrey voting in favor. Commissioners Lowry and Jones were absent. Subject to the following conditions: (1) The property be zoned to the SF-7 (Single Family-7) residential district. (2) Provide square footage of each building on all exhibits. (3) On the Landscape Plan, where the CE symbol appears on the plan, use only Cedar Elms. (4) Correct city officials signature block on the plat. (5) Correct adjoining zoning reference of Magnolia Park Addition to PD- 133, SF-9, SF-12, FP and HC. (6) Provide an easement for the continuation of a 20'-wide hike and bike trail to be contained on the south side of Natches Trace Drive Right- of-Way, as well as an 8' sidewalk/utility easement on the north side of Natches Trace Drive, as shown by Staff. (7) Work with Staff regarding the provision of a screening buffer by a landscape/ screening wall easement along the north side of the property along Vista Ridge Boulevard. i .].). ~ m~ R~ ~m - ~vt~ed 11~ Docu~m Nam ClVlS~P.~