Coppell MSN/PP-DR 961226 (2) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Coppell Middle School North Addition. Preliminary Plat. to allow the development of a middle school on a 28.11 acre tract of land and to extend Natches Trace Drive from Denton Tap Road eastward through property located north of Denton Creek, south of the SH 121 Bypass (also known as Vista Ridge Blvd.), and east of Denton Tap ~ the request of Glenn Engineering, Inc. .. ?-. ~ ~ E~ DRC DATE: December 26, 1996 and January 2, 1997 '"' ~/' i CONTACT: Mike Martin, E.I. T., Assistant City Engineer (304-3679):.~! "~ i COMMENT STATUS: ,/PRELIMINARY Preliminary Plat 1. Show vicinity map and adjacent zoning. 2. Approval will need to be granted from TxDOT for the driveway/street intersecting Vista Ridge Blvd. (S.H. 121 Bypass). 3. The north-south road on the east side shows to be a private street on the plat, while the other site plans show a public street. All plans should be consistent. Need clarification on how the north-south road will be used. 4. Drainage plans should be submitted. 5. Provide utility easements for the water and sewer lines on Natches Trace Dr. 6. Future right-of-way for Denton Tap is 120 feet. Need to ensure that when the additional 10 feet is dedicated from your side that your centerline radius, tangent sections and connections to Denton Tap will still work. Architectural Horizontal Control Plan (C2.1) 7. Provide 30' radii at all ingress/egress points. 8. The radius for the western most driveway cannot cross your property line without written consent of adjacent property owner. 9. Site Plan 'B' shows a different configuration for the fire lanes and parent loops. What is actually proposed? 10. Add a note that states striping and school flashers to be provided by the CISD. Site Plan 'B' 11. Is the road north of the elementary school part of the parent loop? Architectural Site Graphics, Signage and Paving Plan(C2.2) 12. Contractor should stripe continuous left turn lane along Natches Trace Drive.