Coppell MSN/PP-DR 961226 (4) !!-.-". F.' L~-~ ~ El ~-~ ~:~ :'" I~ ~:.,. . . .nEC 2. 619cj6 : LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMMEI~S', '"" Coppell Middle School North Addition, Preliminary Plat ~__..l~C. DATI/;: December 26, 1996 and January 2, 1997 CONTACT; R.D. SLAYTON, SUPERINTENDENT OF LEISURE SERVICES 972/304-3554 FAX 972/30~l-3547 COMMRNT ~qT&TUS: INT/'IA~. '-- The developer should be aware that the property adjoining Denton Tap falls with In the City of Coppell's Hike/Bike Master'plan. A twenty foot wide (3reenwalk/Trai! easement will be dedicated to the City in accordance with the City of Coppell's Hik~Bike Masterplan, for future use as a Greenwalk/Trail.