Coppell MSN/PP-DR 961226 (6)SENT BY'TL' FA~E~$ B~ANCH '12-20-~6 ' 1~:~ : TL' FAR,ER5 B~A~¢'H~ 21~ 00~ ~70:~ ~/ 6 Comments foi- the City of Coppell Development Review Committee __~Prttiiminaryf~i P':at is ~. accc'ptai: ~asement.q will be required ['or propo~';cd electYj, c ~ac~ lilies. A plat with eaacment rcquirement~ wi]] be provided to tile dele loper. ~d i.qformat~r~n (size of structure, A/C / Heat. Load) will be required from the developer before easements can b~ determined. Other comments Ploasec,,'-'~ 1 me. at ~' 888-1307 if you have any questions. Tim Brancheau 1~400 3c, se~- Lane P%r,r...:r,. Rr. nch. -!'c:,.a.~.