Cpl HS 1P/FP-AG 890613Rev. 4-24-89 AGENDA REQUEST FORM ~ s~uT,~ ~0Tu,E CItY COUNCIL MEETING June 13, 1989 ITEM CAPTION: located west of Dent/~n Tap Road, and extension, at~t~uest o~ Coppell EVALUATION OF ITEM: To consider a final plat resubmittal for Coppell High School, south of the future Parkway Boulevard Independent School District. STAFF REP. ~~Z Coordntr. % ------~~aa~i-tf-~ffer, Ginn, Inc. OT~ER REP.: DATE: Date of Planning and Zoning Commission meeting: May 18, 1989 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission: Approved (6-0) as submitted. Please see attached Staff Report for further evaluation. A final plat for the Coppell High School was previously approved with conditions by the City Council on September 8, 1987. Section 10, A, of the Comprehensive Subdivision Ordinance requires that a final plat be submitted for signatures by City officials within six (6) months after approval by the City Council; other- wise the plat shall be deemed null and void, resubmittal shall be required, and current subdivision regulations shall apply. Since that plat was not resubmitted to the City until April of this year, the final plat must be considered by the City Council. The applicant is requesting approval of a final plat with variances. BL~GET AMT.: COMMENTS: N/A AMT. ESTIMATED: AMT. +/- BUDGET: FINANCIAL REVIEW BY: LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQ FORM. 0588DS REVIEWED BY CM: Minutes of May 18, 1989 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 DRAFT motion; motion carried (5-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Commissioner Tunnell arrived at this time. Item 12: To consider approval of a final plat for the Shadow Woods Estates Addition, located near the southwest corner of Coppell Road and Sandy Lake Road, at the request of Centex Real Estate Corporation. Commissioner Green moved to deny the final plat for Shadow Woods Estates. Commissioner Redford seconded the motion; motion carried (6-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Item 13: To consider approval of a final plat (resubmittal) for Coppell High School, located west of Denton Tap Road and south of the future Parkway Boulevard extension, at the request of the Coppell Independent School District. Taryon Bowman introduced the item to the Commission. Mr. Robert Howman of Ayres and Associates was present to represent this item before the Commission. Following discussion Commissioner Weaver moved to approve the final plat resubmittal for Coppell High School as submitted. Commissioner Tunnell seconded the motion; motion carried (6-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Item 14: To consider approval of a final plat for the Meadows Addition, Section Six, located at the southeast corner of Samuel Boulevard and Parkway Boulevard, at the request of DT Construction, Inc. Taryon Bowman introduced the item to the Commission. Mr. Gordon Jones of D.T. Construction was present to represent this item before the Commission. Following discussion Commissioner Redford moved to approve the final plat for the Meadows Section Six Addition, as submitted. Commissioner Weaver seconded the motion; motion carried (6-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Item 15: General discussion concerning platting and zoning issues. It was the consensus of the Commission that the following items should be placed on the June, 1989, Planning and Zoning Commission agenda: DATE: May 18, 1989 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT RE: Coppell High SChool, Final Plat (Resubmittal) LOCATION: West of Denton Tap Road and south of the future extension of Parkway Boulevard. APPLICANT: Coppell Independent School District TRANSPORTATION: Please refer to the attached Traffic Access Evaluation, prepared by Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. HISTORY: Subject site of the final plat resubmittal for Coppell High School is located on 49.9 acres of land. The original application was filed with the City in November of 1986. The City Council considered the preliminary plat on January 13, 1987; however, Council directed the applicant to work with Staff to address unresolved issues. Major areas of concern, such as traffic access, water and sewer issues, traffic studies and variance requests, were worked out with Staff, and the Coppell Independent School District plat was considered by the City Council on January 27, 1987, and approved with conditions. (Please see attached City Council minutes of January 27, 1987). Final plat application was approved by the City Council on September 8, 1987, with the following conditions: That the building height be granted a variance to allow for a proposed height of the structure to fifty-two feet (52'). That the variance on the lighting be approved with the use of a blinder to cur the sideways spillage of the light onto adjoining property owners. That the variance from the required two thousand (2,000) parking spaces be decreased to one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250). That five inches (5") of concrete on a prepared subgrade be allowed for the entire parking area with no gravel parking areas. ITEM ~ 13 That as many trees as possible will be left on the west with a six foot (6') chain length fence being constructed on the outside of the trees along the west property line. Dr, Melvin Gross, who was in the audience the night the preliminary plat was approved by Council, stated that lie would be willing to donate any property to the school that would be required to put his fence on the outside area of the trees, and this fence would also be constructed along the southern property line up to Oak Trail. The gate to this property would be for emergency use only. The gate to this property on the south side of the property would be considered to be for emergency traffic only and extra emphasis on shrubbery would be followed along the south property line from the chain length fence east to the school's eastern most property line. e That the fees be waived as requested and the City Manager enter into negotiations with the Coppell I.S.D. for some "in-kind" training of City employees. Staff contacted the applicant's representative to inform them that the final plat would have to be submitted to the City for signatures within six months from the date of City Council approval. The Comprehensive Subdivision Ordinance requires that if a final plat is not submitted for signatures within six months, resubmittal shall be required. Current subdivision regulations will apply to the resubmittal, and the Development Review Committee has reviewed this item for conformance to all City standards. The following is a list of revisions since the approval of the final plat on September 8, 1987: Added alley R.O.W. dedication along south side of school. 2. Named access drive as "High School Access Drive". 0 Swapped parcels of property near the northeast corner of subject with ABQ Development Corporation. 4. Added utility signature block. 5. Indicated Lot 2, as R.O.W. dedication. Applicant is requesting approval of a final plat (resubmittal), and along with the variances which were approved by the City Council on Septelmber 8, 1987. Staff has no objections. ITEM ~ 13 ALTERNATIVES: Approve the final plat resubmittal with requested variances. Deny the final plat. ATTACHMENTS: 2. 3. 4. 5. e Final Plat (Resubmittal) Traffic Access Evaluation Letter from C.I.S.D. Superintendent Letter from Teague Nall& Perkins, Inc. Reduced copy of final plat approved by City Council on September 8, 1987. Minutes of final approval by City Council on September 8, 1987. HISCHOOL ITEM · 13 Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 5485 Belt Line Road, Suite 199, Dallas, Texas 75240 Memorandum To: David Stanfield Superintendent, Coppell Independent School District Copies To: Jim Boughton - SHWC Architects Tom Rutledge - Teague, Nall& Perkins Gary Jost Febl~y 2, 1987 Traffic Access School 214-991-190u Evaluation for the Proposed Coppell High This memorandum presents the findings and conclusions of a traffic study conducted for the proposed Coppell High School in Coppell, Texas. The site for the proposed school is located west of Denton Tap Road, south of the proposed Parkway Boulevard, and north of Willow Lane. The site location is illustrated in Figure 1. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the access requirements to the school. As presently proposed, access to the site would be from the Parkway Boulevard extension, via a connecting'driveway, ~o the northeast corner of the site. The proposed access configuration is shown in Figure 2. This study will determine the size requirements of the access driveway as well as the Parkway Boulevard extensior~ The conditions governing the configuration of the proposed access roadways are dependent upon the trip generation characteristics of the school. The primary variable affecting these characteristics are the number of students enrolled. The school site is planned to accommodate a maximum of 2500 students. This enrollment figure is expected to occur in the year 2005. To facilitate the planning of roadway requirements during the period from school opening (expected in 1988) to 2005, discussions were held with school district staff to establish the estimated enrollment for target years between 1988 and 2005. The estimated enrollments are as follows. FEB 0 DALLAS, TEXAS Not to Scale Thweatt Rd. Bethel Rd. Proposed Parkway Blvd. Extension I SITE I L D. c~ I-- 0 8h~dy Leke Rd. N Bethal Rd. FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION ,[~ , I Not to Scale COPPELL HIGH SCHOOL // ~'PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD Parkway Blvd. Willow Ln. FIGURE 2 PROPOSED SITE ACCESS Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Yes.~ Estimated Enrollment 1988 (school opening) 620 1992 1000 1995 1500 2000 2000 2005 2500 Standard trip generation rates contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) publication entitled Trip Generation and from Barton-Asc/mman files were applied to the expected enrollments to determine the traffic that will be generated by the school. The trip generation rates used for the proposed school are given in Table 1. Table 2 indicates the total number of trips that can be expected during the morning and afternoon peak hours of school activity. Table 1 TRIP GENERATION RATES A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour Land Use In Out In Out High School < 2000 Students .22 .02 .02 .18 > 2000 students .26 .03 .02 .18 Table 2 Design Estimated A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour Year Enrollment In Out In Out 1988 620 137 13 13 112 1992 1000 220 20 20 180 1995 1500 330 30 30 270 2000 2000 520 60 40 360 2005 2500 650 75 50 450 Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. The lane requirements for the proposed access roadways were analyzed by. evaluating the demand, capacity and level of service on the access drives. The level of service for roadways can range between level of service "A" and "~', with level of service "A" representing an optimal and uncongested free- flowing condition and level of service "P' representing a heavily congested, forced flow condition. The acceptable design level of service (LOS) for most large cities if IDS "[7'. However, for this analysis, the design level of service was assumed to be IDS "C". The capacities used in this analysis were obtained from the North Central Texas Council of Governments ~CTCC~) and arethecapacitiesusedin their regional transportation model. For purposes of this study, the following capacitieswereused. Roadway Classification LOS "C" Capacity (veh per hour per lane) Parkway Boulevard School driveway minor arterial 560 collector 440 Based on these roadway lane capacities, the lane requirements for the access roadways were determined for each year. The results are given in Table 3. Table 3 Design Number of Lanes Required (2-way) Access Driveway Parkway Boulevard 1988 2 2 1992 2 2 1995 2 2 2000 4 2 2005 4 4 Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. The results indicate that two-lane roadways will handle the expected school generated traffic at an acceptable level of service until, based on the estimated enrollments, sometime after 1995. It should be noted that the analysis is based on school generated traffic only. The lane requirement on Parkway Boulevard will be greatly affected by other traffic on the roadway after it is completed between Denton Tap Road and Coppell Road, as proposed. The analysis also does not include traffic generated bya 6000 seat stadium proposed for the school site. C, 0 P P E L L l N DE PEI"U3ENT · ~ ~.~,~l~ 25, 1989 Coppell Independent School District Vonita White, Superintendent Mr. Alan Ratliff City Manger City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Street Dedication Dear Mr. Ratliff: This letter is to inform you that it will be my recommendation to the Board to agree to dedicate the 24-foot wide strip of land between our property and Denton Tap Road to the City as a street right-of-way. The Board ha given me every indication that there will be no problem with the vote, although the Board will not meet to act on that matter until May 8. I should, however, also make note that there are presently no funds available to use on construction of the street. As we had discussed earlier with City staff, it would be our plan to consider construction of a road for bus usage when the second phase of the school is begun. You might recall that a traffic study was done in Conjunction with the construction of Parkway Boulevard and the access road to the school property. That study showed that two lanes would be adequate access to the school until further additions were done. We are, however, constructing both sides of Parkway Boulevard and are constructing a four lane, 44-foot wide street section from Parkway to the school. We are comfortable, and traffic studies show that this street should be adequate for many years. We thank you for working with us throughout this project and if there are any other questions, let me know.. Very truly yours, Vonita White, Superintendent VW:bv 1201 Wrangler Drive · Coppell, Texas 75019 (214) 471-! ! 11 TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS, INC. 915 Florence Street/Fort Worth, Texas 76102 817 336-5773 C P Y May 3, 1989 J ? ? Mr. Russe~Z;R. Doyle, P.E. City EngJ~fieer City of//Coppell 255 Pj~:kway Blvd. Co~lM Texas 75019 Re: New Coppell High School Plat Approval SHtt/C. INC. Arcl~itects. Emj ...... s, Pianner~ Dear Mr. Doyle: As requested by the City through the surveyor, Ayers & Associates, we are submitting this letter to list those public utility items which have been revised from the original plat and plan approval to this date. To the best of our knowledge, the following items have been revised: Add approximately 1000 LF 6" fire line to extend fire protection to the west side of the stadium. Adjust alignment of 60" storm drain north of the north property line to avoid existing sanitary sewer manhole present in the creek. The easement for the facility was revised accordingly. Lower 10' x 8' box culvert from Sra. 7+70 to Sta. 15+20 to accommodate developer to the east. Delete box culvert headwall at the southeast corner of the site and construct rock rip-rap transition in lieu of headwall for ease of future southerly extension of the box culvert. Item No. 1 was reviewed and approved by the City prior to construction. Item Nos. 2 thru 4 were reviewed and approved by the City and coordinated in the field with Steve Morton, Chief Development Inspector. To the best of our knowledge, the above represents the revisions to the plans made during construction and which were approved by City staff prior to construction of said revisions. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS~.. ~ ....._ c..kfs Gary Keep, SHWC, Inc. Minutes September 8, 1987 Page 8 Item 16: Consider approval of a final plat and variances for CoppelIi High School, at the request of Coppell I.S.D., on property located approximately 1000 feet west of Denton Tap Road, and approximately 1300 feet north of Sandy Lake Road. Date of Planning and Zoning meeting - August 20, 1987 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission - Approved (6-0) Planning and Zoning Coordinator Taryon Bowman made the presentation to the Council. She stated that this is a request of a final plat for Coppell High School on 49.9 acres of land. Several variances have been requested such as building height, lighting, parking, parking surface, and screening wall. The school district has also requested a waiver for the payment of water and sewer availability fees, sewer contract fees, water tap fees and construction permit fees. Ail DRC comments have been addressed, therefore, staff has no objections. Mr. Jim Boughton of SHWC Architects made the presentation to the Council on behalf of the applicant. Due to a conflicting function this same night, there was no one from the Coppell I.S.D. or School Board present. Following discussion, Councilman Smothermon moved that Council approve the final plat of Coppell I.S.D. for the Coppell High School and that this approval be subject to the conditions set forth in the preliminary plat as reiterated below: That the building height be granted a variance to allow for a proposed height of the structure to fifty-two feet (52'). That the variance on the lighting be approved with the use of a blinder to cut the sideways spillage of the light onto adjoining propert~ owners. That the variance from the required two thousand (2,000) parking spaces be decreased to one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250). That five inches (5") of concrete on a prepared subgrade be allowed for the entire parking area with no gravel parking areas. That as many trees as possible will be left on the west with a six foot (6') chain length fence being constructed on the outside of the trees along the west property line. Dr. Melvin Gross, who was in the audience to night the preliminary plat was approved by Council, stated that he would be willing to donate any property to the school that would be required to put this fence on the outside area of the trees and this fence would also be constructed along the southern property line up to Oak Trail. The gate to this property would be for emergency use only. The gate to this property on the south side of the property would be considered to be for emergency traffic only and extra emphasis on shrubbery would be followed along the south property line from the chain length fence east to the school's eastern most property line. That the fees be waived as requested and the City Manager enter into negotiations with the Coppell I.S.D. for some "in-kind" training of City employees. Mayor Pro Tem Stanton seconded; motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman and Wolfe voting in favor of the motion.