Cpl HS 1P/FP-PS 861201Design Development December 1986 High ' -' ' Coppeli School ,, ,, Coppell I.S.D. s,wc, ,,c. Architects Engineers Planners Exterior Rendering The new high school faeility for the CoppeH Independent School Distriet has been designed to provide the Distriet an excellent edueational faeility that is in keeping with the District's high standard of edueatienal quality. The building has been designed to be funetienal in every way, while also serving as a source of pride to the School District and the entire community. The District's long-term needs have been carefully considered during the planning stage. The 195,500 square foot facility will be designed to initially aceommodate approximately 1,200 students. However, basic facilities such as the Administrative area, Library, and Dining and Student Commons area have been designed to aceommodate future growth in excess of 2,500 students. A second classroom wing, bringing the total student eapaeity to 2,000, has already been designed. An expansion to that enroUment figure will be easily accomplished as student populations inerease. When students move into the new facility in the fall of 1988, they will find a 600-seat theater with a full working stage to compliment the District's already excellent Drama program. The Band HAII~ with separate Choir facility, as well as two Art rooms, will compliment the Fine Arts wing. The building has been designed to incorporate a Student Commons area that will also serve as a Dining facility, and will provide an excellent informal gathering place for school danees and other community functions. A large, 2,000-seat competitive Gymnasium will provide two separate praetiee floors for P.E. and athletic use, and a full contingent of dressing room spaee is also provided. All of these "common" spaces have been located within the building, so that use during the evening hours is faeilitated. AH have ready access during the evening hours without disturbing the academic portion of the building. The Library area does provide a focal point for the aeademie wing. It is also designed for use by the public during evening hours, but is located for easy access from all academic areas. Its size and design reflects the District's commitment to a quality education. The ela~room wing, which ineludes a full contingent of Science labs, Language labs, Math, English and Social Studies ela~rooms, will provide space for a quality learning environment. The applied arts wing, which includes Student Publications, Industrial Arts, Drafting and Homemaking, completes the facilities that are planned for this fine structure. The new school will also include parking faeiHties and driveways to serve the new structure, along with a baseball field, tennis courts, and praetice field areas to eompUment the program. A football stadium, with permanent eonerete seating for 6,000, will be eonstructod with the bleachers located on earthen berms. The total faeility has been designed to meet the Distriet's immediate needs for a comprehensive high schooL while providing for the future as the District fully develops this new high school facility on its 50-aere site. Area: Estimated C~-t: Projected Bid Date: Projected Completion Date: Student Capaeity: 195,000 sf $13,074,443. Merch 1986 August 1988 1,200 initial (Future expansion to 3,000) 1 ' '1 I I ' I I ' '1 I I I I ' ~'1 .... 1 I ' -1 ' -1 I I Design Development Drawings ! I I ! ! I ! ! I FOOTBALL FUTURE NATATORIUM STAFF BASEBALL TE#NIR ¢OURTR SCHOOL BUILDING PARENT DROP Site plan lO' tOO' ! I I ! I I ! ! I ! ! ! Ii First Level Plan I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I ! ! I I ~'~ Second Level Plan 1 ! I I 1 ! I I I I I ! I 1 Entrance Court I I I I I ! I I I ! ! I I ! ! Entrance I I I I ! ! I ! I ! ! I ! ! I ! ! Student Concourse I i 1 I ! ! I ! I ! ! I ! ! - Student Activities I ! ! I 1 ! I ! ! ! I I I I ! I ! Student Commons I 1 i I ! ! ! I ! ! i I ! I ! ! ! ! Student Commons I ! ! 1 ! ! ! ! I ! I I I I I ! I I ! Library Gymnasium Auditorium