Cpl Industrial/PP-AG000509 AGENDA REQUEST FORM  /~) Tile City With A Beautiful Future (__~~' CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 9, 2000 ITEM # Z 0 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Coppell Industrial Addition, Preliminary Plat, to allow a phased development of 2 office/warehouse facilities totaling 1,900,000 square feet of space on approximately 100 acres of property located along the north side of W. Bethel Road and 50' east of N. Royal Lane. APPROVED BY SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb TITLE: ~...~Director of Planff'mg and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS:. ' ~ ~ d~"t~ ~'$~,-~ Date of P&Z Meeting: April 20, 2000 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval recommended, subject to the following conditions: 1) The Volume and Page numbers need to bc shown on the Final Plat. (CONDITION MET) 2) Fire Department regulations will be addressed at plan review. Staff recommends approval. DIR. INITIAL. S: ?~, FIN. KEVIEW.~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: ~ Agenda Request Form - Revised 2/99 Document Name: ,'a~CIpp CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: COPPELL INDUSTRIAL ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: April 20, 2000 C.C. HEARING DATE: May 9, 2000 LOCATION: Along the north side of W. Bethel Road, 50' east of N. Royal Lane. SIZE OF AREA: Approximately 100 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: LI (Light Industrial) REQUEST: Preliminary Plat approval of two lots, one 45 acres in size; the other 53 acres in size. APPLICANT: Applicant: Engineer: Champion Parmers Graham Associates James Stewart 616 Six Flags Drive 15601 Dallas Pkwy., Ste. 100 Suite 400 Addison, TX. 75001 Arlington, TX. 76011 (972) 490-5600 (817) 640-8535 Fax: (972) 490-5599 Fax: (817) 633-5240 HISTORY: There has been no recem development activity on the subject property. TRANSPORTATION: Bethel Road at this location is projected to be a C4D, four-lane divided thoroughfare contained within a 90 to 110 foot right of way. Today it is a two-lane asphalt street, planned to be improved no sooner than the next three to five years. Item # 12 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- vacant, WagonWheel Park; LI, Light Industrial South - postal distribution center; LI, Light Industrial East - vacant; LI, Light Industrial West - vacant, sundial; LI, Light Industrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for Light industrial and showroom uses. DISCUSSION: In an attempt to expedite the review process, this applicant has submitted a PD zoning application, a preliminary plat application, and a final subdivision application all at the same time. If the PD zoning application is supported, then the preliminary plat can be also. Although somewhat unusual, but not without precedence, these requests can be reviewed and forwarded provided all regulations of the City are followed. The applicant is aware that just because he has submitted all these documents for review at this time, the Commission and Council have no obligation to favorably consider them. Indeed, staff comments relative to the PD suggested that additional study and analysis needed to be done before the PD should be approved. We also stated, however, that if the Commission felt an approval was appropriate, then several conditions needed to be attached to that zoning approval, and we so listed. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Our first response is that the preliminary plat should be denied because the conditions of PD zoning have not been approved. If, however, the PD zoning garners favorable action, then this preliminary plat can be approved subject to the following conditions: -volume and page numbers be shown on plat -Fire Dept. regulations will be addressed at plan review ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary Plat Document Item # 12 Councilmember Garcia seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Wheeler and Coucilmembers Garcia, Peters, Keenan, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 20. Consider approval of the Coppell Industrial Addition, Preliminary Plat, to allow a phased development of 2 office/warehouse facilities totaling 1,900,000 square feet of space on approximately 100 acres of property located along the north side of W. Bethel Road and 50' east of N. Royal Lane. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and CommuniW Services, made a presentation to the Council. Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve the Coppell Industrial Addition, Preliminary Plat, to allow a phased development of 2 office/warehouse facilities totaling 1,900,000 square feet of space on approximately 100 acres of property located along the north side of W. Bethel Road and 50' east of N. Royal Lane and approve the Coppell Industrial Addition, Final Plat, to allow a phased development of an office/warehouse facility totaling 600,000 square feet of space on approximately 33 acres of property located along the north side of W. Bethel Road and 50' east of N. Royal Lane subject to the following conditions: 1. Fire Department regulations will be addressed at plan review. 2. The possible provision of a 15' utility hike/bike trail easement along the eastern property line. 21. Consider approval of the Coppell Industrial Addition, Final Plat, to allow a phased development of an office/warehouse facility totaling 600,000 square feet of space on approximately 33 acres of property located along the north side of W. Bethel Road and 50' east of N. Royal Lane. Action: This item was considered under Item 20. See Item 20 for minutes. CM05092000 Page 12 of 22