Cpl HS 1P/FP-CS 890517GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS May 17, 1989 Mr. Russell Doyle, P.E. City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Handwritten Memorandum dated 5-11-89 CISD Bus Access Drive (South end)...(ie. Mills Lane) Dear Mr. Doyle: In response to the above referenced item we offer the following comments. In conversation with Ms. Taryon Bowman it is our understanding that the requested map and traffic study will be provided to both Mr. Ratliff and yourself via the distribution of the P&Z packets. Ms. Bowman and I discussed this request and felt that since she was already generating this information for the May 18, 1989 P&Z meeting that she could distribute an additional packet to Mr. Ratliff thereby handling this request internally. It is our understanding that the concerns presented in your handwritten memorandum dated 5-7-89 have been resolved per our conversation with Ms. Taryon Bowman. Regarding the half-road issue for the 24 foot dedication we offer the following observations. We do not feel there is a half-road issue since this drive is intended for future bus access only to the High School site. No thru traffic to businesses or residences are intended to use this driveway primarily because it will only connect to the school property. The width of drive needed in the future shall determine how muc~ additional right- of-way to the north must be obtained from ABQ Development Corp. in the future. It is our understanding that ABQ Development Corp. has already agreed to dedicate the necessary right-of-way to a¢¢omodate this drive whenever it is needed per their agreements with the CISD. Platting of their property in the future would also accomodate the future access drive. We hope this accomodates your needs. questions. Please call if you have any Sincere~~/~ , Kevln~E. P~fer, P.E. File 89305 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas', Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 ~IAtlAI~LL HANDWRITiTEN MEMORANDUM MESSAGE: MEMORANDUM TO: _ ?-;x';t4. /! ' ./ . - _ / ./ /~ ,. ... j ,.. ,~ , ~ ~, .~ ~ .- ~ ~/ f indication that t~ere w11~ De nu p~uu~=m .~ ~ ....... , although the Board will not meet to act on that matter until May 8. I should, however, also make note that there are presently no funds available to use on construction of the street. As we had discussed earlier with City staff, it would be our plan to consider construction of a road for bus usage when the second phase of the school is begun. You might recall that a traffic study was done in conjunction with the construction of Parkway Boulevard and the access road to the school property. That study showed that two lanes would be adequate access to the school until further additions were done. We are, however, constructina both sides TO: SUBJECT: THE CiTY WITH A BEAUTIFUL FUTURE HANDWRITTEN MEMORANDUM Bol ~471t Co~#. Te~s ',%019 DATE: Dear Mr. Ratliff: This letter is to inform you that it will be my recommendation to the Board to agree to dedicate the 24-foot wide strip of land between our property and Denton Tap Road to the City as a street right-of-way. The Board ha given me every indication that there will be no problem with the vote, although the Board will not meet to act on that matter until May 8. I should, however, also make note that there are presently no funds available to use on construction of the street. As we had discussed earlier with City staff, it would be our plan to consider construction of a road for bus usage when the second phase of the school is begun. You might recall that a traffic study was done in conjunction with the construction of Parkway Boulevard and the access road to the school property. That study showed that two lanes would be adequate access to the school until further ~.additions were done. We are, however, constructing both sides of Parkway Boulevard and are constructing a four lane, 44-foot wide street section from Parkway to the school. We are comfortable, and traffic studies show that this street should be adequate for many years. We thank you for working with us throughout this project and if there are any other q~estions, let me know.. Very truly yours, Vonita White, Superintendent VW:bv 1201 Wrangler Drive · Coppeil, Texas 75019 (214) 471-1111 ' t