Cpl HS 1P/FP-CS 890514HANDWRITTEN MEMORANDUM THE CITY WITH A BEAUTIFUL FUTUR~ coll, l~u, T¢~,.as 7%o1'9 TARYON BOWMAN DATE: ~ !/y! ~ / THE CITY WITH A BEAUTIFUL FUTURE HANDWRITTEN MEMORANDUM ,'Xc ~,,~,v' Coppell. Texas "5019 TO: ~ FROM: /~ U/,..~,3' DATE: ~'~ ?' ~/ SUBJECT: 5~T'P -~'~ O.~9; d~lT'~ (~4~'T'~4cH~/'J /..e-rT'~ Coppell Indepen dent School Dis ct , [~~ Venire ~ite, Su~fintendent ~ City Manger City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas RE: Street Dedicat~fy ~i~,~?,~?-~ Dear Mr. Ratliff: This letter is to inform you that it will be my recommendation to the Board to agree to dedicate the 24-foot wide strip of land between our property and Denton Tap Road to the City as a street right-of-way. The Board ha given me every indication that there will be no problem with the vote, although the Board will not meet to act on that matter until May 8. I should, however, also make note that there are presently no funds available to use on construction of the street. As we had discussed earlier with City staff, it would be our plan to consider construction of a road for bus usage when the second phase of the school is begun. You might recall that a traffic study was done in conjunction with the construction of Parkway Boulevard and the access road to the school property. That study showed that two lanes would be adequate access to the school until further additions were done. We are, however, constructing both sides of Parkway Boulevard and are constructing a four lane, 44-foot wide street section from Parkway to the school. We are comfortable, and traffic studies show that this street should be adequate for many years. We thank you for working with us throughout this project and if there are any other questions, let me know.. Very truly yours, Vonita White, Superintendent VW:bv 1201WranglerDfive · Coppell, Tcxas75019 (214)471-1111 ~ THE CITY WITH A ~ BF. AUTIFUL FUTURE TO: HANDWR ! T~TEN MEMORA~IDUM Copp~. Tcx.~ MESSAGE: THE GITY WITH A ~F. AUTIFUL FUTUI~ HEHORANDUH ColNmeil, Te~ TO: - FROM: . . --~- ~ /~ , DATE: . . ,- -..-. indication t~at t~ere wl~ ~e n~ p~uu~=., ~,~ ~ ....... , although the Board will not meet to act on that matter until May 8. I should, however, also make note that there are presently no funds available to use on construction of the street. As we had discussed earlier with City staff, it would be our plan to consider construction of a road for bus usage when the second phase of the school is begun. You might recall that a traffic study was done in conjunction with the construction of Parkway Boulevard and the access road to the school property. That study showed that two lanes would be adequate access to the school until further additions were done. We are, however, constructinq both sides 11.1E CITY WITH A BF. AUTIFUL FUTUR~ TO: '7',~l~/--.~'.~ffV/ FROM: /~ ~)~'~' DATE: CO P P E L L ]NDEPIrNJ.)f.~T. ~ ~:,,oo~l' 25, 198'9 Co mellindependent School District ~. Alan Ratliff City Manger P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 750~ RE: Street Dedicat' Dear Mr. Ratliff: This letter is to inform you that it will be my recommendation to the Board to agree to dedicate the 24-foot wide strip of land between our property and Denton Tap Road to the City as a street right-of-way. The Board ha given me every indication that there will be no problem with the vote, although the Board will not meet to act on that matter until May 8. I should, however, also make note that there are presently no funds available to use on construction of the street. As we had discussed earlier with City staff, it would be our plan to consider construction of a road for bus usage when the second phase of the school is begun. You might recall that a traffic study was done in conjunction with the construction of Parkway Boulevard and the access road to the school property. That study showed that two lanes would be adequate access to the school until further .~.additions were done. We are, however, constructing both sides of Parkway Boulevard and are constructing a four lane, 44-foot wide street section from Parkway to the school. We are comfortable, and traffic studies show that this street should be adequate for many years. We thank you for working with us throughout this project and if there are any other questions, let me know.. Very truly yours, Vonita White, Superintendent VW:bv 1201 Wrangle~ Drive · Coppeil, Texas 75019 (214) 471-1111