Cpl HS 1P/FP-DR 890425 DEVELDPMENT REVIEW COPlMiT'TEE PLANNING DEPARTi'~ENT COPPELL ~IGt'~ SCHOOL. ~DI)iTiON, ~'INFqL PL~' (REStJB~IT'T~L) Reviewed by: Date: Tar. yor~ Bowmar~, Plar~r~ir~g &- Zor, ir~g Coc~rc~ir~ator ~qp~'i i £~5, t989 f.:~u~d F].ooci!::~].air, certificate. A~:.~i r~ame c,f Ptar,r, ir~] Cc,~,~nissior, er, Joe I,lur, sch. Shc, w r, ames of sumr¢:,ur~ir~.g proc, perry owr~ers. Reduce 'the size of 'this ~.~rawir~g arid attach legal descmiptior~ sigr, atur-e blocks arid owr~ers certificate om ¢,r~e sheet. Please i'r, clude all r~ecessar-y c. orr. ectior~s. ir;c].ucie revisior, date c,r, this fir, al plat. t md :L c.'at e s ur.'t~our~d i r,,Q. z or~ i r~g. Cor~rectior, s ~'nust be submi't'teO 'to ~.~-,e Plar~r, ir, g Oepartn';e'r,t or, befc.,r.e Mor, day, May I, 1989. Review will comtir~ue at the r~ext DR[] meet ir, g or, Play 2, 1989. 7'his item is sc-heduleo fc,'~~ the Piar,r~ir, g a'r~d Zor, ir, Q [)ommissior~ meetir, Q or, Thursday, May !8, 1989 arid also for the City Cour:c-il c,r~ 'Tuesday, Jur, e 1S~ 1989. Bc, t~'~ n'~eetir,~!s will be held at V':30 p. m. , ir, the Tow'r, Cer~ter Cc, uracil Chambers.