Cpl HS 1P/FP-CS 870924MEMORANDUM September Z4, 1987 TO: FROM: Jackie Mayfield, Fire Chief Dale Jackson, Building Official RE: Fees for Coppell High School During the September 8, 1987 City Council meeting the City Council waived certain fees that related to the construction of the new Coppell High School. The fees that were waived did not include the building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permit fees. The combined cost of the building fees will be approximately $32,900.00. It is my understanding that the school district's argument against paying these fees was the fact that these fees have not been required or collected in the past. The building permit fees have been collected on the last three school construction projects. The building permit fees are charged to recover the cost of the time spent reviewing plans, inspecting the construction, and general monitoring of the construction work. This project will take up much of the time of the inspectors involved. I am concerned that if these fees are waived that it could present a problem. It would be unfair to cause the delay in a project in which fees had been paid for inspection services if the delay was caused by inspectors being tied up at the school building, where these inspection services had not been paid. Unless I hear differently, I will assume that these fees have not been waived and payment of the fees will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit.