PD115-NR 910217February 17, 1991 Dear Mayor Wolfe, The following homeowners and taxpayers obiect to the proposed zoning and drainage platt of the land east of ,Southern Bell Dr. and north of Plantation Dr. for the following reasons: 1 ) Any usa of the land beyond its natural state will impose seYere hal-llShll~ on the property and safety of the homeowners along Stream (32 in Shadowrldge and along 13rapevine Creek in Northlake Woodlands and Creekview. Homeowners have already experience rising water up to the easement line. If construction is to proceed, proper drainage must be addressed to prevent flooding and land erosion. 2)For over two years the city has ~.llJJB~l_~,G_[~Lexistlng drainage errosion problems along Stream I32 by lot A:~O as well as between lots A26 and A27. Some work was done at both sites, but the problem of repeated cave-ins between A26 and A27 was just patched because the,cost of repair was too expensive. The concern is that the city will also have this attitude towards any new problems caused by the increased water drainage. 3) D. QDAJ.t~- If structures are to be built on this platt, we would support zoning of at least $F9 with the following considerations~ lots should have minimums of 8 ft. side yards, 25 ft. front yards, 20 ft. back yards and only 35% lot coverage on 9000 sq. ft. lots with minimums of1850 sq. ft. living area homes 4) Esthetic problems between perimeter two story houses along 3outhern Belle Dr. and lot A20 with unlandscaped wooden fences along the southern proberty border, any view of alleys or trash cans by existing homeowners, and any cement retaining walls or views of drainage pipes or culverts is unacceptable. The alternative to retaining existing property value is one story houses with a 6 ft. landscaped brick wall along bordering lots between the two subdivisions. After all, Plantation Dr. is the subdivision entrance for Shadow Ridge Estates and any views of the aforementions items would be an eye sore, 5) Crime problems are associated with alleys. Bordering existing homeowners chosa front entry versus alley access due to this concern. Homes along the west and south exposure should not have alleys. 6) Prevent possible costly downstream erroslon damage from proposed drainage and fence posts on a southern retaining wall of Stream (32. cc: Peyton Weaver David fhomas Tom Morton B ill Smother man dim Oowan Ron Roberson John Nelson NAME ADDRESS PHONE 5 .. 1 11 1 13.. 1 1 1 ITT Peyton Weaver David f boreas Tom Morton Bill SrnothePman dim Oowan Ron Roberson dohn Nelson NAME ADDRESS PHONE 9 cc: Pe~ton Weaver' David Thomas Tom Morton B ill Smotherman Jim rowan Ron Roberson dohn Nelson NAME ADDRESS PHONE .,.,~ .? .... · '.,:..". :? :i:i:i:?..'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.iz; :::::::::::::::::::::: .:.:.:.:.:.:::, · :.:.:.::.~ .:.:.. :.:.:.... I r WlnVii I F ' #d~Hlc#kt~llU'J[ ,n~ DR:~FT DENTON TAP ROAD × X Jl fiji, iff il cc: Peyton Weaver David [homas Tom Morton Bill Smotherman ,Jim Cowan Ron Roberson John Nelson NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~ "" " '/'" '-7, 7-/r-- rj J < ~.::_/ -"-": '~'' '' '" ~'' _ ' ' -'~'/Y,i/.'2~ ~ ~' - · ' ' r: , /ge Ft',, /Y~--,:~ ~-). 4~:; ,.¢~s. 5 ~1 ! ? ' , ., _-/, , ., - / / . -~ /'F~ 13. . . ,-, Peyton Weaver Da¥io l Inomas Tom Morton Bill Smother'man ,Jim Oowan Ron Robe~'son ,John Nelson NAME ADDRESS PHONE 3 1 1 1 13.. 14,. 1 16, 1 20, 21 22 23, 24. 25 26, 27. 28. 29, 30, 31 32, 33. 34, 35. 36, 37 38. 39. 40 cc: Peyton Weaver David Thomas Tom Morton Bill Smotherman Jim Cowan Ron Roberson John Nelson NAME ADDRESS PHONE 10. 11 12, 13 14i 15, 16, 17 March 11, 1991 Dear Mayor Wolfe, The following homeowners and taxpayers object to the proposed zoning and drainage plat of the land east of Southern Belle Drive and north of Plantation Drive for the following reasons: 1) Any use of the land beyond its natural state will impose severe ~ on the property and safety of the homeowners along Stream G2 in Shadow Ridge and along Grapevine Creek in Northlake Woodlands and Creekview. Homeowners have already experienced riding water up to the easement line. If construction is to proceed, proper drainage must be addressed to prevent flooding and land erosion. 2) For over two years the city boa ~ existing drainage erosion problem, along Stream G2 by lot A20 as well as between lots A26 --d A27. Some work was done at both sites, but the problem of repeated cave-ins between A26 and A27 was just patched because the cost of repair was too expensive. The concern is that the city will also have this attitude towards any new problems caused by the increased water drainage. 3) ~- If structures are to be built on this plat. we would support zoning of at least 8179 with the following considerations: lots should have mlnlmnmA of 8 ft. side yards, 25 ft. front yards, 20 ft. back yards and only 35% lot coverage on 9000 sq. ft. lots with rnlnlm~]mR of 1850 sq. ft. living area homes. 4) Aesthetic problems between perimeter two-story houses along Southern Belle Drive and lot A20 with unlandscaped wooden fences along the southern property border, any view of alleys or trash cans by existing homeowners, ~d ~ny cement retaining walls or views of drainage pipes or culverts is on~cceptable. The alternative to ret_~inlng existing property value is one story houses with a 6 f~ landscaped brick wall along bordering 10ts between the two subdivisions. After all, Plantation Drive is the subdivision entrance for Shadow Ridge Estates and any views of the aforementioned items would be an eyesore. 5) Crime oroblems are associated with alleys. Bordering existing homeowners chose front entry versus alley access due to this concern. Homes along the west and south exposure should not h~ve alleys. 6) Prevent possible costly downstream erosion damage from proposed drainage and fence posts on a southern retaining wall of Stream G2. March 11, 1991 Dear Mayor Wolfe, The following homeowners and taxpayers object to the proposed zoning and drainage plat of the land east of Southern Belle Drive and north of Plantation Drive for the following reasons: 1) Any use of the land beyond its natural state will impose severe ~ on the property and safety of the homeowners along Stream G2 in Shadow Ridge and along Grapevine Creek in Nor~.hlake Woodlands and Creekview. Homeowners have already experienced riding water up to the easement line. If construction is to proceed, proper drainage must be addressed to prevent flooding and land erosion. 2) For over two years the city has ~ existing drainage erosion problem~ along Stream G2 by lot A20 as well as between lots A26 and A27. Some work was done at beth sites, but the problem of repeated cave-ins between A26 and A27 was just patched because the cost of repair was too expensive. The concern is that the city will also have this attitude towards any new problem~ caused by the increased water drainage. 3) ~- If structures are to be built on this plat, we would support zoning of at least SF9 with the following considerations: lots should have mlnlm,,m~ of 8 ft. side yards, 25 ft. front yards, 20 ft. back yards and only 35% lot coverage on 9000 sq. ft. lots with m{n{ml~m.~ of 1850 sq. ft. living area homes. 4) Aesthetic oroblems between perimeter two-story houses along Southern Belle D~ive ond lot A20 with unlandscaped wooden fences along the southern property border, any view of alleys or trash cans by existing homeowners, and shy cement retaining walls or views of drainage pipes or culverts is unacceptable. The alternative to ret~inlng existing property value is one story houses with a 6 ft. landscaped brick wall along bordering lots between the two subdivisions. After all, Plantation Drive is the subdivision entrance.for Shadow Ridge Estates and any views of the aforementioned items would be an eyesore. 5) Crime oroblems are associated with alleys. Bordering existing homeowners chose front entry versus alley access due to this concern. Homes along the west and south exposure should not have alleys. 6) Prevent possible costly downstream erosion damage from proposed drainage and fence posts on a southern retaining wall of Stream G2. March 11, 1991 Dear Mayor Wolfe, The following homeowners and taxpayers object to the proposed zoning and drainage plat of the land east of Southern Belle Drive and north of Plantation Drive for the following reasons: 1) Any use of the land beyond its natural state will impose severe ~ on the property and safety of the homeowners along Stream G2 in Shadow Ridge and along Grapevine Creek in Northlake Woodlands and Creekview. Homeowners have already experienced riding water up to the easement llne. If construction is to proceed, proper drainage must be addressed to prevent flooding and land erosion. 2) For over two years the city h_ss ~ existing drainage erosion problems along StreAm G2 by lot A20 as well as between lots A26 and A27. Some work was done at beth sites, but the problem of repeated eave-in_~ between A26 and A27 was just patched because the cost of repair was too expensive. The concern is that the city will also have this attitude towards _~y new problems caused by the increased water drainage. 3) ~- If structures are to be built on this plat, we would support ZOning of at least SF9 with the following considerations: lots should have mlnlm~]m~ of 8 ft. side yards, 25 ft. front yards, 20 fL back yards and only 35% lot coverage on 9000 sq. ft. lots with mlnlmum~ of 1850 sq. ft. living area homes. 4) Aesthetic problems between perimeter two-story houses along Southern Belle Drive _s~d lot A20 with unlandscaped wooden fences along the southern property border, any view of alleys or trash cans by existing homeowners, and Any cement retaining walls or views of drainage pipes or culverts is unacceptable. The altern~tive to retaining existing property value is one story houses with a 6 fL landscaped brick wall along bordering lots between the two subdivisions. After all, Plantation Drive is the subdivision entrance.for Shadow Ridge Estates and any views of the aforementioned items would be an eyesore. 5) Crime nroblemA are associated with alleys. Bordering existing homeowners chose front entry versus alley access due to this concern. Homes along the west and south exposure should not have alleys. 6) Prevent possible costly downstream erosion damage from proposed drainage and fence posts on a southern retaining wall of Stream G2. Peyton Weaver' David Thomas Tom Morton Bill Smother'man Uim Cowan Ron Rober'son Uohn Nelson 1 ,5 NAME ADDRESS PHONE 10 11 12 13 14, 16, 17 cc: Peyton Weaver David I'nomas Tom Morton Bill Smotherman Jim Cowan Ron Robeffson John Nelson NAME ADDRESS PHONE 10. 11 12 13 14, 15 16, 17 cc: Peyton Weave~ David Thomas Tom Morton Bill Smother'man ,Jim C~wan Ron Roberson ,John Nelson NAME ADDRESS PHONE 17 cc: Peyton Weaver David Thomas Tom Morton B ill Smother'man ,Jim Cowan Ron Roberson dohn Nelson NAME ADDRESS 3, 4 PHONE 5 6. 7 10 11 12, 13 14. 15 16, 17 Peyton Weaver' David Thomas Tom Morton Bill Smother'man dim Cowan Ron Roberson ,John Nelson NAME ADDRESS PHONE 10 11 12 13 14, 15. 16, 17