Application & checkRev:l, scd;. -6-17 ~7 RETURN ALL SIX PAGE~ OF THIS APPI,TCATION A: Requesting: CITY OF COPPELL ZONING APPLICATION 214-462-0022 FILE D~c~tpuion & Location of Property= Specific Use Permit [ ] Survey & Abstract:.__ T.W. Co.u~y 8ui.v~y~ Al,~tm~cL Nt,, ~I? Addl~£o~ Name (if applicable): ~21 ~eas Park ..... I,ot & Block (if applicable); NA Total Number of Aaram: .... 56.508 Location further described; Propert~ ]ocatc¢! both -c~rth ~md mouth of Corporate Park Boulevard, south of CoppelI Road at SH 1~1~ west oF, Coppejl Boud at Corporate Park Boulevard, C, Zoning Requested: Present ~gnin8 Proposed Zonin~ Dwelling ..... Floor ~r'ea Classifi- Gross Net* Cla~ifi- Gross Net* Units/Acre (Non-Resid. cation Area Area cation Acres Acres (Resid.Only) Uses Only) LI 59.657 56.508 HC 59.657 56.5081 NA NA *Excludes ma3or & secondary thoroughfares. D. Reason(s) for Zoning Change (please be specific); AdO~ce,,L Parkw'ay Bouleverd Ir~tcrchange with $H ~21 Coz' beLLe. ]~md ,~u=. Also I.l'~l.e is a massive of LI zoning exlst~ng with most (LI) develop,lent south a]on~ SH E. Fee: I (We) hereby certify that the application fee, $ 1~06~.08 , eD cover ~he of this zonin~ application, has been paid rD ghe C{~y of Copp~ll ou 6Drl] 17 19 91 . Further, I (We) hereby authorize the City of Coppell and its .mployee~, enter upon the premises herein above described at all reasonable tl,,e~ for the purpose of erecting, maintaining, or removing signs to notify the public of the pending zoning application and/or public hearing concerning ~.ld appltca~io~. (We) release the City of Coppell and its employees from liability for any which may be incurred to my (our) property in the erect]~M, matn~alng, or'removal of oaid Date; April l'f~ 199~ GSC PROPERTIES, /NC. Representative: Mr. Greg Carter Owners Signa~ ~ Telephone O~ners Name: l.-.,ystcms_, ,I~,3~c. Pool Trust Address; P,O, Box 660248' Dallas, TX 75~66-O2~8 '~ J~lmcs W. Crowlcy, T~uotoo CASH RECEIPT Received Frem Address__ 00~01231 /,~ _~_~.~ ACCOUNT ACCOUNt L L- J CASH AMT PAiD I i / CHECK BALANCE J i MO'~EY