Cpl HS Ad/AmPSPRv-CS 990811The City With A Beautiful Future P.O. BOX 478 COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 RO. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 972-462-OO22 August 11, 1999 Mr. Buddy Echols, Superintendent Coppell I.S.D. 200 S. Denton Tap Road Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Coooell High School Addition~ .Amendin~ Plat and Site Plan Amendment Dear Buddy: This letter is to inform you that the Coppell High School Addition, Amending Plat and Site Plan amendment, to allow the construction of concession stands, a press box, additional seating at the existing football stadium, as well as a multipurpose building, tennis court, tennis center, storage facility and additional parking on property located at 185 W. Parkway Boulevard, were approved by the Coppell City Council on Tuesday, August 10, 1999, subject to the following conditions: 1. Subject to the Board of Adjustment, which granted the following special exemptions and variances: a) Allow the size of the new parking spaces to be 9' by 18'. b) Reduce the required parking spaces from 3,333 to 1,940. c) Permit a single row of parking to contain more than 15 parking spaces. d) Authorize concrete planting islands at the end of each row of parking, said concrete islands to result in a brick paver surface pattern. e) Approve 18 landscape islands with tree preservation to fulfill the 88 planting island requirement, as well as allow the 1 tree requirement per planting island to be planted along the northern edge of the proposed parking pavement. f) Allow some parking islands to be under the minimum area of 150 sf area and the minimum width of 9'. g) Meet provisions of the Code relative to meandering/staggered hedges/trees along the 6-foot high screening wall adjacent to the flood plain and parking area that will screen the Copperstone subdivision to the north. h) Allow the four rows of parking by the tennis courts with handicap parking spaces to not have planting islands at the northern end. Correct the following items on the Amending Plat document: a) Tire block should read as "Amending Plat". b) Correct legal description to reflect the entire 63.54 acre site. c) Show all adjacent land ownership and zoning, as well as correct land ownership and zoning to the east and west. d) Modify the school district's signature blocks and delete reference to River Chase Elementary School Addition. e) Modify the utilities certificate to reflect TXU Electric and Gas (formerly known as TU Electric and Lone Star Gas). f) Modify City Secretary's signature block to reflect an amending plat not f'mal plat. g) Rename High School Access Road to Cowboy Drive. Install wheel stops for the 18 parking spaces adjacent to the stadium's chain link fence at the northwest comer of the football field. As volunteered by the applicant, the fence will be moved 5' to the east, thereby allowing a minimum 5' landscape buffer between the proposed pavement and chain-link fence. 4. Correct and reconcile building square footage of the multi-purpose building shown on the Site Plan and the A1.2 Floor Plan. o EIFS shown on the multi-purpose building can not exceed 20% of the exterior structure. Submit sample for staff review. 6. All exterior building materials shall match the submitted color board. Notify the Leisure Services Department after the areas of improvements have been marked on the site so that they can review construction methods around the trees to be preserved. o No improvement will be allowed in the floodplain until a flood study is submitted and approved. This Amending Plat must be submitted for signatures by City Officials within six months after approval by the City Council (February 10, 2000) or it shall be deemed null and void and resubmittal shall be required. After City signatures have been procured, it is the applicant's responsibility to file the document with the Dallas County Plat Records Department. Please see the attached checklist for the requirements for execution of plats. If you have any questions, please contact me at (972) 304-3675. Sincerely, (3 , A.I.C.P. D 'ect~ of Planning & Community Services C¢ ~. Robert Howman, Glenn Engineering Isabelle Moro, AICP, City Planner Building Inspection Planning Department PROCEDURE FOR THE FILING OF EXECUTED FINAL PLATS AND REPLATS Following approval of the final plat/replat by the City Council, and correction of the plat as required by the City Council, the information listed below is required for the submission of the Final Executed Plat to the Planning Department: Transmittal letter, including the name and telephone number of the contact person. · All blank spaces completed, with the exception of'the signature of City Officials. Eight (8) 24' x 36~ black lines and one (I) 24~ x 36~ mylars. Black lines must be folded in a 8 1/2' x 11' format. You may submit additional copies for your use; however, one (1) paper copy will remain with the City prior to filing and, after filing, seven (7) paper copies and one (1) mylar must be returned to the City. Original signatures on all plats. Names must be typed or printed below each signature. Signature block of Utility Companies, with original signatures of each representative. It will take approximately 3-5 weeks to review and obtain signatures of City Officials. Once proper signatures have been obtained, the Planning Department will telephone the person listed as representative or contact to pick-up the plats. The representative shall file the plat with the Dallas County Clerk and return the seven (7) black lines and one (1) mylar to the Planning Department. Said black lines shall reflect on each sheet, the volume and page of the Map and Plat Records into which the plat was filed by the County Clerk. If the final plat/replat has not been submitted for signatUres by City Officials within six (6) months after approval, the plat shall be deemed null and void, and resubmi/tal shall be required. For additional information, contact the Planning Deparmaent at (972) 304--3678.