Cpl HS Ad/AmPSPRv-CS 990806 (2)ab~le M~)£9~ Bd. qf Ad]. outco!~..e._ ......................... ~
Marybeth Spletzer
Barbara Jahoda; Clay Phillips
8/6/99 9:45AM
Bd. of Adj. outcome
You may be wondering about the outcome of th~
the results, in bdef:
Hi,qh School: The 6 special exceptions, relati
islands, were granted as listed on the agenda.
The variance to waive the 30-inch high hedge
could comply with this requirement.
The variance to allow concrete planter islands,
The variance to waive the 6-ft. high screening
was denied. There was a large representation,
all opposed to waiving this requirement. In fact
Park 'N Fly: This request to waive the requir(
structure was denied. The Board simply couldn
That's all .... just wanted to provide a update!
Gary Sieb; Isabe...
Board of Adjustment meeting last night. Following are
lg to parking spaces and the location of landscape
~r berm was withdrawn by the applicant -- they felt they
is opposed to landscape islands, was also granted.
requirement on the north and west (partial) boundaries
,f residents from Mattel Lane in attendance, and they were
they want not only screening, but some sort of sound
ment for masonry columns for the proposed shade
find a property hardship in this case.