Cpl HS Ad/AmPSPRv-CS 990716~ AB fl The City With eauti u F P.O. BOX 478 COPPELL. TEXAS 75019 July 16, 1999 Mr. Buddy Echols, Superintendent Coppell I.S.D. 200 S. Denton Tap Road Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Co ellIH SchoolAddition Am ~ture RO. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 972-462-0022 ~d~ Pint and Site Plan Amendment Dear Buddy: This letter is to inform you that the. C°p~ll [ Hiv'h. Sch°°l .Additi°n' ,Amend~i?. Pla_~ _anad .tmSi_teatP~ancc amendment, to allow me construction of co,cess,on .sta~.. d_ .s, a p. ress. oox, .aa~uo,_n~__s_~.__ existing football stadium, as well as a multlpurpose b _uildlng, tenms court, mums ce,n,~,, facility and additional parking on prol~rty located.~ 1.85 ~W. P.arl~. ay Bo~m_e_v_~, recommended for approval by the Coppell plaunmg anct/.omg comrmsston on t nursuay, 15, 1999, subject to the following condition~: 1) Subject to the Board of Adjustment granting the following special exemptions and variances: ! a) Allow the size of the new parking spaces to be 9' by 18'. b) Reduce the required ')arking spaces from 3,333 to 1,940 or to a figure the Board of Adjustmenf'feels is appropriate. c) Permit a single row o d) Authorize brick pave e) Approve 18 landsca planting island requi planting island to b parking pavement. f) Allow some parking and the minimum wi g) Introduce meanderie and parking area to north. h) Allow the four rows spaces to not have pi i) Allow a building hei J) f parking to contain more than 15 parking spaces. planting islands at the end of each row of parking. ~ islands with tree preservation to fulfill the 88 ement, as well as allow the 1 tree requirement per planted along the northern edge of the proposed islands to be under the minimum area of 150 sf area lth of 9'. g/staggered hedges/trees adjacent to the flood plain screen area from the Copperstone subdivision to the of parking by the tennis courts with handicap parking anting islands at the northern end. ght of 68 feet for the visitor side of the stadium and a height of 38 feet for [he multi-purpose building. Waive the 6-foot h gh screening requirement for a non-residential use adjacent to a single-family residential district. Correct the following items o~ the Amending Plat document: a) Title block should read as "Amending Plat". b) Fire lanes should reflect the fire lane layout as shown on the Site Plan Sheet C2.4. c) Correct legal descn'pti{ d) Show all adjacem lar ownership and zoning e) Modify the school disl Chase Elementary Sch f) Modify the utilities ce known as TU Electric g) Modify City Secretm final plat. h) Rename High School Install wheel stops for the 18 fence at the northwest come providing a 5' landscape buf fence by reducing the size of the proposed pavement west~ ~n to reflect the entire 63.54 acre site. d ownership and zoning, as well as correct land Io the east and west. riet's signature blocks and delete reference to River >ol Addition. rtificate to reflect TXU Electric and Gas (formerly md Lone Star Gas). ~'s signature block to reflect an amending plat not kecess Road to Cowboy Drive. parking spaces adjacent to the stadium's chain link r of the football field. Explore the possibility of ?er between the proposed pavement and chain-link the existing oversized landscape island and shifting ard. 10. Provide additional parking spaces for the classroom portion of the mulU-purpos building or increase the number of parking spaces in the waiver request from the Board of Adjustment. Reconcile building square fOotage of the multi-purpose building shown on the Site Plan and the Al.2 Floor Plan. EIFS shown on the multi-pUrPOse building can not exceed 20% of the exterior structure. Submit sample for ,raft rewew. Approve the submitted color The Leisure Services Dep, improvements have been m around the trees to be preser~ No improvement will be allo and approved. The tennis court hours shall 1 board of all exterior building materials. rtment requests to be notified after the areas of rked on the site, to review construction methods ;d. wed in the floodplain until a flood study is submitted limited to use no later than 11 p.m. Sunday though Saturday. , The date scheduled for consideration by the Coppell City Council is Tuesday, August 10, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. A representative for this caselmust be present at this meeting. Failure to represent this item may result in the denial of this application. City Council has instructed staff to include in its agenda packets only those items, which accurately reflect conditions as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The submittal deadline for revised drawings is 12 noon,~ Tuesday, July. 27t~. Therefore, please submi[ 17 folded copies of the revised drawings, plus three (3) 8 1/2 x 11 paper reductions on or before that date. The drawings which require clum_ge in ( recommendations are: Amending Plat, Sit Multipurpose Facility Floor Plan (Al .2). We of the Topographic Survey, Multipurpose Elevations (A5.2), Stadium Remodel & Exp. and Electrical Floor Plan (E9L.1) to forward c )rder to comply with the Planning and Zoning : Plan, Paving Plan, Landscape Plan (LI&2) and also need by 12 noon, July 27~, 17 additional copies Facility Elevations (A5.2), Tennis Center Facility msion Elevations (A5.2), Electrical Site Plan (E9.0) n to Council. If you have any questions, please contact me Sincerely, _ C ary 1~. Sieb, A.I.C.P. [ irec0or of Planning & Community Services £ cc Robert Howman, Glenn Engineering Isabelle Moro, AICP, City Planner Building Inspection at (972) 304-3675.