Country Est/PP-CS 890720 CITY OF COPPELL
DATE: July 20, 1989
RE: Country Estates - Preliminary Plat
LOCATION: Southeast corner of Bethel School Road and Harris Street,
and located north and adjacent to Grapevine Creek on a
total of 13.95 acres.
APPLICANT: Mr. Bill Thompson; represented by Nathan Maier Engineers
The Coppell ThorouGhfare Plan designates Bethel School Road
to be designed as a [concrete) collector, two lane
undivided thoroughfare (C2U). Bethel School is presently a
2-lane undivided street; however, this roadway is
considered substandard due to:
1) the road beinG composed of asphalt
2) the absence of curb, gutter and drainage improvements
Because of the volume and location of through traffic
movement, and the access needs of the adjacent and
surrounding properties, it is staff's opinion that Bethel
School Road should be improved at time of any future
development along this roadway. A potential for 256
dwelling units could impact this section of Bethel School
Road, by routing traffic south to Bethel Road, and north to
Denton Tap Road. Staff has Given consideration to present
and future traffic requirement and also land use plans for
the surrounding area, and we base our recommendation on
these factors. The applicant has dedicated an additional
12.5 feet R.O.W., as required, for the portion along Bethel
School Road, which serves this property. An additional
12.5 linear feet will be required by property owners
adjacent to Bethel School Road in order to provide for a 60
foot R.O.W.
REQUEST: Applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary plat,
along with a variance to allow a waiver of the alley
r~quirement along the creekside lots. ~' ~..~%~~1,~.
SUMMARY: Staff' has no objections to the prel~iminary plat for
Country Estates as submitted; however, we recommend that
careful consideration be Given to the present and future
traffic trip generations along the subject roadway, will
greatly impact this nei§hborhood. Additionally, due to the
request to front eight (8) single family structures along
Bethel School Road, ultimately, cars will be parked along
the front of these eight homes, by either visitors or the
homeowners themselves.
ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the preliminary plat
2) Deny the preliminary plat
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary Plat