Country Est/FP-CS 931015/ Coppell, Texas 75019  The City With A Beautiful 'Future 214-462-0022 Na~ M~er Consulting Engin~rs 88~ N. Cen~ Expr~sway ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D~, ~ 75231 ~ ~~ ~: Replat of Coun~ Esates. Bl~k A, ~ts 3R ~d 4R . ~ D~ Mr. D~iel: ~is let~r is to inform you ~at your r~uest for approv~ of a replat of Coun~ ~s, Bl~k A, ~ts 3R ~d 4R, 1~ at 472 ~d 476 Coun~ Es~s ~e at the r~uest of Na~ M~er Engin~rs, was approv~ by ~e Cop~ll Ci~ Council on ~tober 12, 1993, wi~ the folloMng renditions: 1)that ~e owner of ~t 4 ~ ~uir~ ~ repla~ ~i~r inch ~r ~i~r ~ch for tach ~ mmov~ by ~e adjustment to ~e fl~way, ~d 2) the nora on ~e plat ~ ch~g~ m rind ~No~: ~e Ci~ of Cop~ ~ have no r~nsibili~ for m~n~n~ of the fl~way ~ nor liabili~ for erosion of ~e ~e ~f~fing ~ 3, 4 ~d 9 ~rough 13 of Bl~k A of Coun~ Esmms. ~e m~nmn~ of ~e~ ~ sh~ be ~e role m~nsib~i~ of ~e individ~ lot owners. ~e~ ~ sh~l ~m~n ~ of ~difion~ improvemen~ unl~s approv~ by ~e City EnginerY; ~at ~e Mayor is au~ofi~ ~ sign ~d ~at ~e plat will ~ approv~ when ~e Appli~t h~ submit~ a m~ plat. A~ch~, for your infomafion, is a ~py of ~e ~dpt ~en on ~tober 12~ which is idenfi~ to ~e wording r~u~ by Condition ~ a~ve. If you have ~y questions reg~ding ~is mawr, pl~ mn~ct me at (214) 462~39. ~ ~Si~, A.I.C.P. rfr~ r of Planing & Commu~ Se~i~ A~ch~ {ent T~on ~wm~, P&Z C~rd~ator Budding Ins~fion 12. Public Hearint,: Consideration and approval of a replat of Country Estates, Block A, Lots 3R and 4R, located at 472 and 476 Country Estates Lane at the request of Nathan Maier Engineers. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in opposition of this proposal. Again, there were none. Mayor Morton then closed the Public Hearing. Mike Daniel, representing Nathan Maier Engineers, addressed the Council. After lengthy discussion, Councilmember Weaver moved to approve the replat of Country Estates, Block A, Lots 3R and 4R, located at 472 and 476 Country Estates Lane with the following conditions: Note on the plat be changed to read "Note: The City of Coppell will have no responsibility for maintenance of the floodway areas nor liability for erosion of the same affecting Lots 3, 4 and 9 through 13 of Block A of Country Estates. The maintenance of these areas shall be the sole responsibility of the individual lot owners. These areas shall remain free of additional improvements unless approved by the City Engineer*; that the Mayor is authorized to sign and that the plat will be approved when the Applicant has submitted a corrected plat. Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. ~M0101293 Pa~e 3 ~