Country Est/FP-CS 930706 MEMORANDUM
To: Taryon Bowman, Planning and Zoning Coordinator
From: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. , City Engineer ~
RE: Engineering Comments for DRC 6/24/93 & 7/1/93
Date: July 6, 1993
1. S-1067-SUP Request for gift shop - located at 416 Bethel Road, at the request of
Phillip Jewett.
We briefly reviewed this request at the July 1, 1993 DRC meeting. The Engineering
Comments were as follows:
1. Escrow should be provided for the section of the property adjacent to Bethel Road.
It was noted that the property is not being platted, therefore, the Engineering
Department would like to pursue the use of the same type of agreement that we
utilized for the Chambers Addition i.e., no money switching hands at this time but
the property owner acknowledges that they will pay their fair share at some point in
the future.
2. The parking should be correctly shown and dimensioned on-site for both customer
and employees.
2. Replat of Country Estates Block A, Lot 3 - located at 472 Country Estates Lane.
1. The Engineering Department had a concern whether or not the property owner of
Block A, Lot 4 had been contacted about revising their drainage easement. Staff has
reviewed the supporting documentation for the deletion of a portion of the drainage
easement and does not have a problem with it. However, it is our understanding that
this has been withdrawn from consideration.
3. Park and Fly Addition, preliminary plat - located at the northeast corner of Royal
and Cotton Road.
1. Sidewalks are required along Royal Lane.
2. The drive return radius should be a minimum 10 foot.
3. The width of the driveway should be shown and because of the width, a median
should be provided for separation of egress and ingress traffic.