Country Est/MP-CS 960514 SUBD/~qSION APPLICATION Date May 14 , 19 96 ,r 1. Subdivision Name Lot 15 R, Block B Country Estates 2. Minor Amending Plat X FINAL PLAT REPLAT 3. Applicant Wayne E. and Nancy Sanderford Address 474 Harris Coppell Texas 75019 Stree~ City State Zip Phone I 214/304-8585 4. Firm-Preparing Plat Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. Address 8800 N. Central ~xpressway, Suite 300 Dallas, Texas 75231 Street City State ~p .Phone ~ 214/739-4741 5. P~operty Owner~ Wayne E. and Nancy Sanderford Address 474 Harris Coppell, Texas 75019 Street City State Zip Phone ~ 214/304-8585~ Developer N/A Address S~reet City State tip Phone ~ 7. All Correspondence relative, to this application should be directed to whom: NameMike Daniel Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. Address 8800 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300 City, State, tip Dallas, Texas 75231 ·' Phone ! 214/739-4741 General Location of Property S.E. Corner Harris and Bethel School 9. What is the present Zoning District? SF-12 Are you requesting any. zoning change? No I~ yes, what is the Case File Noi? Zoning distr~ct requested? iD. Proposed Subdivision Contains: ~and Use No. cf'Lots or Units Acres (~or each use) ~n~e Family "1 0~9350 Dup.]ex MU) ti-Fatal ly lndu:;trJ a! Pub]ic Street R/~ Parks. Public ~ondominjum n~w or converson) Tote) 1 0..9350 SIGNATURE PROPERTY OWNER