Cpl Town Ctr/SPAm-010710T H -~' · C: I T Y 0 F COPPEEL AGENDA REQUEST FORM ,~ ~ . ,CITY COUNCIL MEETING: July 10, 2001 ITEM # } ~/ ITEM CAPTION: Consider aPproval of the Coppell Justice Center, Site Plan Amendment, to allow the construction of an addition onto the existing Justice Center Building on a portion of 13.09 acres of property located at 130 Town Center Boulevard. APPROVED 8¥ ' DACITYTE C~OUNCIL. T~TL~( D~ector of ?la~Lffg and Communi~ Services '- STAFF COMM~ T~ Date of P&Z Meeting: June 21, 2001 Decision ofP&ZCommission: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, with no conditions. Staff recommends approval. DIR. INITIALS: ~7. FIN. REVIEW.~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Agenda Request Form - Revised 5/00 @CJCspa CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT COPPELL JUSTICE CENTER SITE PLAN AMENDMENT P & Z HEARING DATE: June 21, 2001 C.C. HEARING DATE: July 10, 2001 LOCATION: 130 Town Center Boulevard, South of Parkway Boulevard SIZE OF AREA: Approximately 13.09 acres of land CURRENT ZONING: TC (Town Center ) REQUEST: Site Plan Amendmem to allow for a 775 square foot building addition and a 734 square foot covered patio APPLICANT: Sheri Moino Glenn Cramer, City of Coppell Phillips Swager & Assoc. 255 Parkway Boulevard 7557 Rambler Road, Suite 670 Coppell, Texas 75019 Dallas, Texas 75231-2302 972-304-3558 214-692-61115 FAX 972-304-3673 214-692-6118 HISTORY: The site plan and final plat for the Coppell Justice Center was approved in 1996. In 1999, a site plan amendmem was approved which permitted the construction of a 47 space parking lot to be jointly used by the Coppell Justice Center and the YMCA. TRANSPORTATION: Town Center Boulevard has 28'-wide pavement within a variable right-of-way. Adjacent to the Coppell Justice Center, there is 37 feet of right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Fire Station and City Hall; "TC" - Town Center South - YMCA; "TC" - Town Center East - Town Center Elementary School; "TC" - Town Center West - vacant; "TC" - Town Center Item # 11 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for Public and Institutional uses. DISCUSSION: This request is to amend the existing site plan to allow expansion of the Coppell Justice Center. As indicated on the site plan, the existing 443 square foot covered patio area will be removed and replaced with a 773 square foot enclosed building. This expansion area will house the Judges Chambers, and offices for the Court Director and Administrative Secretary. Also planned is a new covered patio to be located to the south of the expansion area, which is proposed to contain 743 square feet. This expansion does not have a significant impact on the site conditions, and no existing landscaping or parking will be effected by this expansion. There will be sufficient parking to accommodate this addition utilizing the newly constructed parking lot which is shared with the YMCA. Finally, a new concrete sidewalk will be constructed from the patio area to the northern portion of the building. The building materials on this expansion will match the existing building, including "Doeskin" color brick along the top of the building, and "Twilight Pink" along the remainder of the building. The steel will be painted "Hemlock Green", again to match the existing color scheme. Given that these additions to the building do not impact the landscaping, parking or circulation of the existing facility and that the building materials are the same as the existing building, staff is in support of this request. On June 5, 2001 staff discussed this project with Harry M. Hargrave of the Town Center Architectural Control Committee. Given the lack of visual impact that this will have within Town Center, Mr. Hargrave waived the review of these plans. Item # 11 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the Amended Site Plan for the Coppell Justice Center as submitted, with no conditions. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan/Floor Plan/Elevation Item # 11 1