Cpl Greens P2/FP-CS 990526 255 Parkway Boulevard The City With A Beautiful Future P.O. Box 478 P.O. sox 47~ Coppell, TX 75019 COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 (~72) 304-3678 FAX:: (9'72) 304-3570 FAX COVER SHEET PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: MR. BILL ANDERSON DIRECT DIAL: (~q'~Z :5 ~OW- TRANSMITTED BY: DATE: 5/26 TIME: NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER S~ET): ~ IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE AL1. OF THE. PAGES. PLEASE CALL BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PLEASE DIAL DIi~F. CT TO TUE PERSON SENDING Tl~.~ FAX. THANK YOU. MAY 19 '99 16:47 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 972J04~570 P.02×0~ NICHOLS. JACKSON, DR,LARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. AosE~'r L 0~LLAI~ ~1~ Attorneys & ~l~s ~o ~. ~u -~ ~1~ T~ 75201 ~~ 0. ~T~ May 19, 1999 Ms. I~b~lle Mom ~T Assismt Pl~g Dir~tor Pl~ing ~pmem Ci~ of Cop~ll P. O. Box 473 Cop~ll, Tex~ 75019 RE: ~eclara~n of Covenant, Cond~t~ns and Re~t~t~ for Copptll D~ Isa~lle: PI~ be advised ~at we hay, reviewed ~e Declmtion of Core--B, Condition, ~d Re~ctions for Coppell ~n, P~ I, ~ rec~iv,d by your offi~ on Apdl 2 I, 1999. We have not seen the aRached E~ibits or ~y de,cfiption of co~on ~e~ or ~leg~ co--on m~me~ce ~ as provided in ~ ~r~ment. Subject to yo~ approv~ of ~o~ ~ ~ing sufficiently depicted in te~ of legal description, ~ough e~bit or on ~e plat ~o~ ~ ~ ~mtely descd~, it would meet ~ o~ approve. However, we have fo~d no~ing ~in ~e founded insment which would indim~ ~e Ci~ would ~ve ~, d~t ~ complet, mainten~ce wi~n ~e co--on ~e~ ~d ch~ge back if ~e ~sociation f~l~ to ~eq~tely perfo~ its dutie, ~d obligation, re~ecting common ~nten~ce ~ or o~er ~ ~ d~fin~d by ~ agreement. Wi~om ~s ~s~ wi~ Cop~ll ~een, Ph~e I, coven~t,, mndifion~ ~d re,tfiction,. VeU ~ly yom, ~CHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA~ ~cdb TOTAL PAGE.02 *~