Corners of C/Re-CS 920623 Coppell, Texas 75019 The City With A Beautiful Future 214-462-0022 June 23, i992 Xr. Roland Foerster Benckmark Consul rant s 13771 N. Central Expressway Suite ~i0!i Dallas, Texas 75243 RE: CORNERS OF COPPELL, LOTS iR, JR, 4R, BLOCK i - REPLA? Dear .'..'.r. Foerster: ibis letter Is to inform you that your request for approval of a repiat of Corners o{ Coooell Lots ~P 3R and ~P Block ! was reco~ended for approval Dy the Coppeil P!annin~ and Zoning Commission on thursday, June · 8, ]qq2 w!~h the fo'!ow~nQ conditions: that ail staff recommendations be met, 2 note be placed on the plat showin~ finisRed floor elevations~ 3 agreement to maintain in a healthy and g~owing condition ail iandscapin~ on the property, and 4 designating the plat as a repiat of the Corners of Coppel! subdivision Ihe tentative date scheduled for consideration by the Coppeii City Council ~s Tuesday, July 1~, i992 at 7:00 p.m. A representative for this case must be present at the City Council meeting. Failure to represent this item may result in the denial of this application. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (214} 462-0639. Sincerely, ._ %~-~' : '~-~' Ga'ry 5~ Sie~, A.!.C.P. Di,rector of Plannin~ & Community ~e~vices xc: ~aryon Paster Bo~an, P&Z Coordinator Building inspect ~on CORNERSP.ACT