Cpl Greens P1/FP-DR 970731 (2) DE VEL OPME~ RE VIE W COMMIITEE B UI~ING INSPECTION COMMENTS DRC DATE: July 3L 1997 CONTACT: Greg Jones, Chief Building Official (304-3500) COMMENT STATUS: ,/INITIAL no ~'r ra~rnrA ~, v 1. Need sidewalks to be provided at common use areas. 2. Use Easements - Zone A should read "...No decks, structures, trellises..." not "...No desks, structures, trellises..." Cul-de-sac lots at Tumberry Circle have too slmll a frontage to install front ' wide (min.) driveways wilh 2 - 5' turning radii, along with necessary water meters, GTE pedistals, TU boxes, street lights, fire hydrants. Kilbridge Lane and olhers not much better. Need to see large scale plan or detail drawn showing this information prior to next DRC meeting. Show actual pavement not just property line information. 4. Mayor name incorrect. 5. Use easements - Last sentence before (a) - change thc word effect to affect - grammatical error - lose 10 points. dr73110