Cpl Greens P1/FP-DR 9708073. A~reemem of Landscape Pt~u with Fmtl PM 4, Plak u,,aterids/LA 6, R,O.W. width 8. Mayol's llgmture bklck Dimgr~ & ww to pr~:eaf w~ ~u~ as passe.ed 1. Exisdnl r.o.w. 2. Prop0,ed r.o.w. ~ 0 0 0 0 [] ,F- ro .-( ITl Algre~ & bare 0 Agrec& will Have questiom Dha~ee & want accardin~y ~tt usm~ case as 0 O 0 D 0 0 O O' 0 O 0 0 O [] z o O o~ ~ D 0 o Lone Sar C,., Co.~e. r~dins: Agree & b~ve 0 Apee & will .cCOrd~y D H,~ve questiom & v~nt m discuss ~t meetms D~ & wm~ 0 z m (:3 z (.ri C3 0