Creekview P2/FP-AG 930810COHSElqT AGFaNrDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA REQUEST FORM ITEM NUMBER ITEM CAPTION: Consideration and approval of granting a temporary waiver of water line extension, on Lot 3, Block B of Creekview, Phase II Subdivision. SUBMITTED STAFF REP.. Direc OTHER REP.: DATE: EVALUATION OF ITEM: At the Special called Council Meeting on Monday, August 2, 1993, during the Mayor's Report, Councilman Weaver discussed .the above reference item. By consensus Council opined that this temporary water line waiver would be satisfactory, provided a letter was received from the developer of the plat, agreeing to extend this utility line before development occurred on Lot 3. A copy of that letter is attached. BUDGET AMT. AMT. +/- BUDGET COMMENTS: LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQUEST FORM REVISED 2/93 AMT. ESTIMATED FINANCIAL REVIEW BYe/,~-~ CJ?Y dOUt,.'CIL ' " DA~ .... £///$/~/~ .... REVI~,WED.VC~, ~ / AUG 06 ~93 1~: 1~ AMPLAS TH t-I M I:::~ El N I NTEI~I:'ST5 P.2/2 AuEus: 6, 1993 TO: Steve Goram Gary Sieb RE: Creekview Additiou Phase II This is to state that I, William Thompson, do hereby agree to extend the water utilities across lot #3, Block B of Creekview Addition Phase II, upon the development of said lot, concurrently with the application for a buildin§ permit for construction on said lot. It is my understanding that a building permit will not be issued until, utility construction has commenced. Thompson Councilmember Garrison commented regarding National Night Out and indicated there had been a lot of support for the program by the citizens. Citizen's Recognition Committee -- Councilmember Garrison stated that he and Councilmember Stably had met and that an additional $200.00 was needed for the Boards & Commissions Reception. Consensus of Council was to place this on the consent agenda for the next meeting. Councilmember Garrison brought up the matter of having a liaison to Planning & Zoning. After some discussion, Council decided this item should appear on the next agenda. CONSENT AGENDA 21. A. Consider approval of minutes: July 20, 1993 July 27, 1993 Ce Consideration of accepting the resignation of Kent Moore from his position as Vice Chairman of the Cable Review Board. Consider approval of awarding a bid for the purchase of a photocopier machine to Oce' Office Systems, Inc. for an Oce' copier model number 2450 ADF/S20 including a 4-bid sorter in the amount of $23,765. Ow E® Ge He Ks Consideration and approval to award Bid Q-0693-02 for tractor/mower with boom to Dallas Ford New Holland in the amount of $33,640.00. Consideration and approval of awarding Bid No. Q-07~341 for two (2) EKG monitor/defibrillators to Marquette Electromcs for a total purchase price of $17,367.76. Consideration and approval of renewing the Trinity River Authority contract for services for a period of October 1, 1993 to September 30, 1994 in an amount not to exceed $3,850.00, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval of a Tax Abatement' Agreement between the City of Coppell, Texas-and Minyard Food Stores, Inc., and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval of renewing the Sandy Lake Animal HOspital .contract for services for a period from September 1, 1993 to August 31, 1994 in an amount not to exceed $16,500.00. Consideration and-approval of an Ordinance providing for the abandonment of a f'we lane easement, located in the-Hager Containers addition, located approximately 992 feet south of Thwe~..tt Road al_o_n~., the east side of Royal Lane, at the request of Soumwestern oeo Telephone Mobile Systems.. Consideration and approval of an ordinance annexing 127 acres (more or less) of L.B.J. Freeway from Beltline Road to approximately Cotton Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval of granting a temporary waiver of water line extension, on Lot 3, Block B of Creekview, Phase II Subdivision. CM081093 Pa~e 5 of 6 Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve Items 21 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I carrying Ordinance 93616, J carrying Ordinance No. 93617, and K. Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stably, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned. Tom Morton, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary CM081093 Page 6 of 6