Creekview P2/FP-CS 930806AUG 06 ~93 14:14 AMPLAS THOMPSON INTERESTS August 6, 1993 P. 2/2 TO: Steve Goram Gary $ieb RE: Creekview Addition Phase .II This is =o state =ha~ I, William Thompson, do hereby agree to ex~end the water u~il£ties across lot #3, Block B of Creekview A~dition Phase II, upon the development of said lot, concurrently with the application for a building permit for construction on said lot. ~ is my ~nders=anding that ~ building permit will not be issued until'.utility construction has commenced. Thompson 8333 Oou~,~.AS ' ¢~ul"rlE 15 II~ · DALLAS, TEXAS 75225-5Eil 1