Creekview P2/FP-CS 930317~UBDTVI$ION AP .P.I. IOATIpN Creekview Estates Limited Partnership .t 1. Subc!iV£s I on .Name · A cant Creekvtew Estates Limited r nar p . _ .... · William G. Thompson~ Trustee ...... Address 8333 Douglas Avenue, Suite 1510 Dallas Tx, Texas 75225-5811 369-5200 r/tm p~eparjng PLat .H~nne~sey En~tneerLns~ Inc' " -' ~ ...... ' L-~' C-~ ' "-"'%~--~'-- ' .......... -~ ntt Add,ess ~ 1.~09 'l,hL r~ Ave,,. Ca~o[l con Texas 75006 .Phone i _2~-V~!8, FAX 2~-~087 ' P~operty ~ner __(:reeky~ew ~:s~a~es_.L~mtCed Par.=nership Address 83~] I)ou~lfl~ Avenue, Suite 1~10 Dallas, Texas 7~225-581] ...... hone t' Developer__same a~ above , Address Phone t ?. All Correspondence relative to th~s appl~eat~o~ should be digested to whom= Address ..... 1_409 Third Ave. State~ Zip_._ (;arrollCon, Texas 7~006 ~hone I ..... 2~5.9678.~X 2.65-70~7 ID. General Location of Property 2.7184 ac. aC N.I~. corner of Denton I~het is the present Zoning Otstriotl Retail Are you requestSng zoning change? .No .__ , ii y~i~: ~it ts the Case File ~oposed SubdA~L~Ao~ Contains= . Land Ose ~o. of'LOts or Onlts Acres list each use)