Cpl Greens P1/FP-CS 970723 (2)Section 2. Use Easements SINGLE FAMILY HOMES: ZONE "A" SEE EXHIBIT "B" A eight (8) foot use easement will be placed on the zero side (the side without doors or windows) of the lot for the use and enjoyment of the adjacent property owner. This use easement will allow the adjacent property owner to construct decks, patio's, pool, jacuzzi, landscaping, fencing, etc. Restrictions are as follows: No outside air conditioning units will be allowed in the eight (8) foot use easement, buildings, outdoor cookers, pool heaters will not be allowed closer than five (5) foot to the zero side wall. Pools are allowed in the use easement but will be restricted to three (3) foot from the zero side wall. They will also comply with the 1994 Uniform Building Code 1806-4-3, which states, there will be a 1 to 1 ratio of pool depth to the setback from the structure. No desks, structures, trellises, hose hangers, plant hangers, etc., will be allowed to attach the zero side wall. No doors or windows will be allowed on the zero side wall if there is an adjacent use easement. Ingress and egress will be allowed to the zero side owner for maintenance of his wall. Positive drainage will be maintained from the zero side wall into the use easement. If a sprinkler system is installed by the owner of the zero side lot for maintaining ground moisture for the foundation an underground drip system will be used. If wall, or foundation repairs are made that require removal or damage to pools, decks, fencing, landscaping etc. they shall be replaced or repaired to the condition existing before the repairs took place. Side yards use easements and zero side designations shall be placed on the subdivision plat. A minimum separation between homes of sixteen (16) feet shall be provided. Roof overhangs will be allowed to project into the use easement a maximum of 24 inches. Gutters will be required on the zero side of the structure and down spouts will exit at the front or rear walls of the structure. The mandatory Home Owners Association (HOA) will review improvement plans that will effect the eight (8) foot use easement and will mediate any disputes that may occur. (a) During development and home construction the following restriction and requirements apply. Grading - a positive grade shall be maintained from the house in the 8' use easement. Trenching - trenching for utilities shall be limited to a two (2) foot depth within 3 feet and parallel to the adjacent home. Fencing - any fencing installed in the use easement may be removed during construction by the Contractor. Fencing will not be reinstalled along the wall of the new structure. SINGLE FAMILY HOMES: ZONE B SEE EXHIBIT "B" A five (5') foot use easement will be placed on the zero side (the side without doors or windows) of the lot for the use and enjoyment of the adjacent property owners. This use easement will allow the adjacent property owner to construct decks, patio's, pools, jacuzzi, landscaping, fencing, etc. Restrictions are as follows: No outside air conditioning units will be allowed in the five (5) foot use easement, utility buildings, outdoor cookers, and pool heaters will not be allowed closer than five (5) foot to the zero side wall. Pools are allowed in the use easement but will be restricted to three (3) foot from the zero side wall. They will also comply with the 1994 Uniform Building Code 1806-4-3, which states, there will be a 1 to 1 ratio of pool depth to the setback from the structure. No decks, structures, trellises, hose hangers, plant hangers, etc., will be allowed to attach the zero side wall. No doors or windows will be allowed on the zero side wall if there is an adjacent use easement. Ingress and egress will be allowed to the zero side owner for maintenance of his wall. Positive drainage will be maintained from the zero side lot wall into the use easement. If a sprinkler system is installed by the owner of the zero side lot for maintaining ground moisture the foundation, an underground drip system will be used. If wall, or foundation repairs are made that require removal or damage to pools, decks, fencing, landscaping etc. they shall be replaced or repaired to the condition existing before the repairs took place. Side yards use easements and zero side designations shall be placed on the subdivision plat. A minimum separation between homes often (10) feet shall be provided. Roof overhangs will be allowed to project into the use easement a maximum of 24 inches. Gutters will be required on the zero side of the structure and down spouts will exit at the front or rear walls of structure. The mandatory Home Owners Association (HOA) will review the improvement plans that will effect the five (5) foot use easement and will mediate any disputes that may OCCur. a) During development and home construction the following restriction and requirements apply. Grading - a positive grade shall be maintained from the house in the 8' use easement. Trenching - trenching for utilities shall be limited to a two (2) foot depth within 3 feet and parallel to the adjacent home. Fencing - any fencing installed in the use easement may be removed during construction by the Contractor. Fencing will not be reinstalled along the wall of the new structure. 12