Corners of C/FP-CS 860522Lichliter/Jameson & Associates, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERING PLA. NN~NG S,JRVEV'NG May 22, 1986 Mr. Ed Powell, City Engineer City of Coppell 616 South Coppell Road Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Corners of Coppell Dear Ed: Pursuant to our discussion on Monday of this week relative to the three questions raised by members of the Planning and Zoning Commission in their approval of the Final Plat for the Corners of Coppell on Thursday, May 15th, may we offer information to assist you in preparation for the City Council meeting on May 27th. First of all, regarding the location of proposed driveway access relative to existing Kimbel Kourt across Sandy Lake Road, we have verified the dis- tance from the centerline of the most westerly driveway to the centerline of Kimbel Kourt to be approximately 140 feet. We feel that this determina- tion should resolve any concern that the P & Z or Council might have for the traffic movement across Sandy Lake. Regarding cost participation in future signalization of the intersection of Sandy Lake Road and MacArthur Boulevard, we can confirm that such a re- quirement imposed at this point in time would have substantial negative im- pact on the project feasibility. Throughout the process of zoning, plat- ting, site plan review, and engineering plan review, no comment concerning participation in the cost of signalization had been previously made. No funds, therefore, have been budgeted for such participation as may be re- quired by the City at this time. Further, the imposition of such a re- quirement with the development of this project seems inconsistent with treatment of earlier developments having impact on traffic in this area and contributing to warrants for future signalization of the MacArthur/Sandy Lake Road intersection. We respectfully ask reconsideration of the circum- stances related to development of the Corners of Coppell. Since our discussion on Monday, we have more thoroughly considered the question of driveway width and traffic control. We have discussed this matter with Wayne Ginn and confirmed his opinion that a 24-foot drive width would be adequate for two-way traffic, with sidewalks on either side to gain some distance between the traffic lanes and the bridge railing. We 1420 WEST MOCK!NG~3;RD LANE. S~3:TE 300 DA' ~S. TEX?,S 75247-4906 214/630-8867 Page Two Mr. Ed Powell, P.E. May 22, 1986 are of the same opinion that a wider drive than 30 feet would prove to be detrimental to traffic control. Finally, we have contracted with an independent traffic engineer to evalu- ate the proposed access driveways and to offer his findings at the Council meeting Tuesday evening. We have discussed the question of driveway width and traffic control with him, but without adequate time to develop basis for an opinion, he was reluctant to offer comment before next Tuesday. We appreciate your assistance in resolving these questions and trust that this information will be of some assistance to you in communicating with the Council prior to Tuesday evening's meeting. Very truly yours, Billy J. Thompson, P.E. Vice President BJT/ccw cc: Mr. Jim Anderson, Corners of Coppell Joint Venture File: 677-0100-07 Lichli[er/J~meson & ^ssoci~tes, Inc.