Corners of C/FP-CS 860220Lichliter/Jameson & Associates, Inc.
February 20, 1986
Mr. Ed Powell, P.E.
City Engineer
City of Coppell
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
Re: Corners of Coppell
Coppell, Texas
Dear Mr. Powell:
Transmitted herewith are the required items for submission of subdivision
application including a completed application form and accompanying check
of $520.00 for plat filing fee, 22 folded prints of the final plat, 8 1/2
x 11 print of the final plat, and four sets of construction plans. The
construction cost estimate is being submitted to the Water Utilities
Department. The landscape architect, Myrick/Newman/Dahlberg, is submit-
ting 17 prints of the landscape plan separately to the city for review.
It is also understood that all required fees for water and sewer avail-
ability, construction permit, water and sewer pro-rata, tap, water meters,
light and street signage, parks and future street improvement escrow will
need to be paid prior to City Council consideration.
The application asks if a request for zoning change is being made. We
have responded 'No - minor modification proposed'. As this property is
zoned Planned Development Retail, it must confirm to the detailed site
plan as previously approved by City Council last summer. Our current
plans call for the proposed 'main' building to have its 'hump' located
slightly different than shown on the approved site plan. Rather than at
the west end of the building, it is located approximatley 150 feet from
the west end. Also, in the northwest corner of the site, approximately 2
acres of the site were shown on the approved site plan as an out parcel
and a separate free standing building designated as phase II. We are pro-
posing to plat that entire area into 3 additional lots. Not having had
site plan approval, these sites would have to have separate site plan
approval when submittin9 to the city for their development and construc-
tion. This has been presented to Gabe Favre of Ginn & Associates and
Vivyon Bowman on your staff and both felt it probably was not a zoning
change but since it was slightly different should be presented as such and
considered simultaneous to this submission.
1420 WEST MOCKINGBIRD LANE, SUITE 300 DALLAS. TF_.X,~ 75247-4906 2~4/630-8867
Page Two
Mr. Ed Powell
February 20, 1986
Should you have any questions concerning this, please advise.
Very truly yours,
Brian A. McDaniel, P.E.
Project Manager
cc: Mr. Jim Anderson, Southwest Properties Mr. John Pearson, Myrick/Newman/Dahlberg
Ms. Andrea Foreman, SCH Architects
File: 677-0100-07
Lichliter/Jameson & Associates, Inc.