Creekview P2/SPRv-CS 990903From: To: Date: Subject: Marybeth Spletzer Isabelle Moro Fri, Sep 3, 1999 10:17 AM Re: Board of Adjustment Outcome Isabelle: I am happy to provide you with the outcome of last night's Board of Adjustment meeting --- in fact, I'll try to get into the routine of notifying you each month, by e-mail, on the Friday morning following the meeting. Here are the results: Creekview addition: (2-part variance) 1) Waive the 6-ft. masonry screening wall on east side of property: variance denied. There were several neighbors in attendance, and most seemed receptive to some type of living screen in lieu of the masonry wall. One gentleman, however, was so extremely vocal and so strongly opposed to anything but "following the letter of the law" regarding the masonry wall, that the Board really had no choice but to deny the variance. 2) Waive the 10-ft. landscape requirement on the south side: variance granted. Sonic, 201 N. Denton Tap: (2-part variance) 1) Reduce the required landscaping and tree count for the proposed new menu-board parking area: variance granted. The applicant withdrew the request for reduction in tree count --- they felt they could comply with this requirement. However, the variance was granted for the remaining portion of the request. Hope this helps ....we appreciate your interest! >>> Isabelle Moro 09/03/99 09:19AM >>> Marybeth: Could you kindly let me know some time today the outcome of last night's Board of Adjustment meeting. Thanks. Isabelle