Corners of C/PP-CS 860402 (2)Lichliter/Jameson & Associates, Inc. ~'~I'~ CONSULTING ENGINE/:RING DL'~NN;NG SURVEV'NG Aoril 2., 1946 ,<r. Vivyon Bo~qan qdministrative Assistant City of Coopell 616 South Coppell Road Coppell, Texas 75Olg !le: Corners of Co.]oel 1 !)ear qr. t~o~nan: Enclosed herewith please find tile followin~l: Preliminary Plat PacKa.~e ~) 1 - Aool ication Form B) Filinq Fee check - $116.'.)0 C) 17 - 24" x 36" Preli,~inary Plat K. Plans folded [}) 17 24" x 26" Site Plan - folded E) 1 - ~ 1/2" x 11" Preliminary Plat F) 1 - 5 1/2" x 11" Site Plan ~.~) 17 - Lan-~sca,~e Plans - folded Please accept this ~acka..le as an official request for schedulin~ of the above referenced oroject for the Planninq and Zoninq :neetinq of Aoril 17, 19~36. ue are askino for agenda items for the site olan, the preliminary nlat, and the final ~olat. ?.r. Sm, ed,~l nas aporoved this sc~edule with Charles Ames in a telephone conversation of '-'larch 2.~, 1986. t.le ask that our oriqinal final ~l&t oackaqe, sub;~itted t-~ the City on February 20, 19-'-36, be used for the planninq and zoning] :ne~.tinq. If you need 'qore orints, olease let us know. Very truly yours, Project '~lanaqer TEL/ccw Enclosures File: 677-01,30-0,1 1420 ~'EST MOCK!NGB~RD LANE. SUITE 300 D^LLA,.S. TEXAS 75247-4906 21,~/630-8867 Paqe Two -.¥. Vivvon 3o~nan April 2, 1986 cc: -~.r. Ji--,~ Anderson, 'lanaqinq Partner - Corners of CopDell Joint Venture :.qr. Charles A,r~es, President -Woodcreek Construction Corporation ;-',r. Lou ;)uqqan, ;4ayor - City of CoDpel) '¢.r. Ray S.medul, Chairman of Planninq q Zoninq - City of Coppell ~<r. Frank Proct3r, City !..!_anaqer - City of Co~oell r-lr. Ed Powell, City Enqineer - City of CooDel) qr. Save Farve Ginn, Inc. ;-,is. Andrea Foreman - SCsi Arci~itects Lichliter/Jameson & Associates, Inc.