Corners of C/PP-CS 850612GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS June 12, 1985 Mr. Brian McDaniel Lichliter-Jameson & Associates, Inc. 1430 Empire Central Drive, Suite 230 Dallas, Texas 75247 Re: Preliminary Plat and Site Plans Corners of Coppell Coppell, Texas Dear Mr. McDaniel: Our firm has reviewed the above referenced plat, site plans, and landscape plan for conformance with applicable City ordi- nances. As design engineer for this project, we are sending you the following comments concerning the above items: 1. Landscape Plan should conform to Figure 8 of the City Streetscape Plan for edge treatment along Sandy Lake Road. Landscaping along MacArthur should conform to "Thorough- fare Design" of said Streetscape Plan. 2. Sidewalks will be required along MacArthur Boulevard and Sandy Lake Road. Please show on relevant drawing. The Sandy Lake Road sidewalk may be placed on either side of the drainage channel. 3. Please provide for minimum 10-foot radius on all fire lanes on preliminary plat. 4. A right-of-way dedication 10' wide and 300' long must be provided at MacArthur Boulevard for a future right-turn lane. 5. Please show proposed building areas, parking spaces, and loading spaces. 6. Please provide fire hydrants spaced at 300' maximum. Please add hydrant in vicinity of building at northwest corner of site. 7. A drainage area map showing off-site drainage contribu- tions to the site should be provided. Please verify adequacy of 54" storm sewer and existing drainage channel. 8. Please provide a section through existing channel at Sandy Lake Road and any details of channel improvements. !613=, Pre-,.,',n Road · Suite 10e. Please advise project consultants and principals of the above. We are recommending that this item be placed on the June 20, 1985 Planning and Zoning Commission agenda for approval. Prior to placement of the preli~inary plat on the City Council agenda, please resolve items 2 through 7. Please resolve the remaining items and submit detail drawings at the final plat stage. Please feel free to contact me concerning the above. Sincerely, "3 ~C~<.'. · - ._ ,.,'""v .': · . ~· -'... ,,.--. '~John V. Wankum, P.E. /sr cc: Caroline Morris