Senior Center/SPAm-CS000802AU§-02-00 03:38P City of Coppell 972 304 3514 P.01 City of Coppell Building Inspections Department 500 Southwestern Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Phone: (972) 304-3500 Fax: (972) 304-3514 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: August 2, 2000 NO. OF PAGES: $ (including cover) TO: Marcie Diamond FAX #: (972) 304-7092 FROM: Mary Beth SUB J: Information, as requested Enclosed, as promised, are the minutes of the July meeting of Board of Adjustment. hem 4 relates to the ~ and the variance was granted on July 6th. These minutes have not yet been approved by the Board, but, hopefully, they will be approved at tomorrow night's meeting. Thanks/ Aug-02-00 03:38P City of Coppell 972 304 3514 P.02 DRAFT MINUTES OF JULY 6, 2000 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT The Board of Adjustment of the City of Copp~ll met on Thursday, Iuly 6, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. in · e City Council Chambers of Town Cgmtcr, 255 Parkway Blvd., Coppell, Texas. In attendance: David Stoueciphcr, Chairman ~ohn Hoppi~, Alterna~ Commissiongr Mark LeGros, Vic~ Chairman Norman Kressman~ Alternat8 Commissioner Jamshed Jamadar, Commissioner Robert Trak, Alternate Commissioner Steve Wright, Commissioner Robcr~ Chomiak, Commissioner Absent: John DeLong, Alternate Commissioner Also orcs¢ot: OrB Jou~s, Chief Building Offi¢~ Mary Beth Spleizer, Recording Applicants present: John O-~sek, 105 Sand Point Court, Coppcll Brad Reid, 255 Parkway Blvd., Copl~ll REGULAR SESSION: (Open to the public) Item 1: Call to Order Chairman Stonecipher called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. Commissioner Kressmann was invited to serve on thc Board, replacing Commissioner Chomiak. Chairman Stonecipher administered thc oath for all members of the audience wishing to speak either for or against thc requests being presented at this meeting. Item 2: Minutes of June 1, 2000 Minutes of the June 1, 2000 meeting were presented for approval. Motion was made by Commissioner LeGros that the minutes b~ approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Krcssmann, and a vote was taken. Motion carried, S to 0. Item 3: Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider approval of a variance from Section 33-1-1 of the City's Zoning Ordinance, for the propexty located at 702 S. Denton Tap Road. Mr. John Gesek is rcqucsting a variance to allow a living screen along thc eastern side of thc property in Ueu of the r~uired 6-R. masonry screening wall. At(g-02-00 03:39P City of Coppell 972 304 3514 P.03 Page 2 - July 6, 2000 Grog Jones explained that the applicant is requesting that thc required 6-fl. masonry screening wall bc replaced with a living screen at thc rear of thc property. Hc explained that when thc site was originally developed, there were approximately 70 inches of tree mitigation requirements. Thc applicant is askin8 that he bo allowed to place these additional caliper inches toward the rear of thc site where they can help achieve the maximum bone, fit in creating a living screen. Ho added that Staff recommends approval. Thc applicant was invited to step forward to present his case. John (~esek, representing Turncr-Gesek Investments, distributed correspondence resulting from an open house hc hosted recently for neighboring Crcckvi~ property owners who would bo most impacted by this request. After meeting with the neighbors, Mr. Gesck explained that, in addition to the existing trees, hc plans to add seven Lcyland Cypress (non-deciduous) trees, set back about 10 feet from thc first row, to fill in gaps and provide a dcuscr screen. Mr. Gesek added that thc proposed living screen would eventually providc much more screening than a wall, taking into account the slope of the land and the diminished benefit of such a wall. Thc meeting was opened to the public. Those wishing to speak in favor of the request were invited to step forward. Tim Plctta, of 150 E. Bethel Road, spoke in favor of thc request, adding that this proposal satisfies his request for a visual and sound barrier. In addition to thc information provided, Mr. Plctta clarified that thc applicant also agreed to provide one additional Ucc in row one (thc existing uces) of thc living screen. Those wishing to speak in opposition to the request wcrc invited to step forward. Darrell Ray, of 155 Shiloh Court, indicated that hc would like clarification on the requircmcnts of thc placement ofa 6-R. screening wall, if thc slope of the land docs not allow any benefit from such a wall. Thc meeting was closed to thc public and opened to the Board for discussion. Motion was made by Conunissioncr Kress~ to grant thc variance request, as shown on thc proposed site plan, but with the placement of one additional ucc in row one. Motion was seconded by Commissioner LeG-res, and a vote was ta~en. Motion camcd, $ to 0. Variance granted. Item 4: Public Hearing Public Hearing to consider approval of a variance from Section 21-5 of the City's Zoning Ordinance, for the property located at 606 S. Coppell Road. Mr. Brad Reid, Parks Planning and Landscape Manager for the City of Coppell, is requesting the variance to allow CMU (cinder block) exterior construction for the proposed additions to the City's Senior Center, to match the existing structure. Aug-02-00 03:39P City of Coppell 972 304 3514 P.04 Page 3 - July 6, 2000 Greg/ones explained that this request involves expansions at the rear of both buildings on this site, including the addition of exterior wall. He added that these buildings pm-date the existing Zoning Ordinance. Under the current Ordinance, the exterior construction would be required to be brick or stone. He indicated that the applicant wishes to be al)lc to match the existing cinder block construction for continuity. He added that because this is a Historical Overlay district, other materials are allowed through thc Special Usc process, as evidenced by most of the structures in that area. He noted that Staff recommends approval of this request. Thc applicant was invited to step forward to present his case. Brad Reid, Parks Planning and Landscape Manager for the City of Coppcll, displayed the expansion plans for the two buildings, noting that the addition to thc annex will consist of 385 sq. ft., whereas the senior center addition will consist of 374 sq. t~., as well as a small covered patio. The public hearing was opened to the public. No one spoke in favor of the variance request. Those wishing to speak in opposition to thc variance request wcrc invited to step forward. Steve Chaddick, of 2019 Northwood Terrace, explained that he manages several properties in the Old Town area, and although he is not specifically opposed to this request, he is concerned about potential overflow parking, duc to thc expansion, and whether his propel~ies will be impacted. Chairman Stoncciphcr asked that lhis matter be directed to City officials during business hours, since it did not relate to this evening's topic. Joc Shirley, of 582 Villawood Lane, explained that he owns the Barber Shop at 460 W. Bethel. He added that he is not opposed to this evening's proposal regarding exterior construction, but indicated that he needs clarification on the City's expansion plans and how they may impact the parking situation. Chairman Stoneciphcr reiterated that thc only issue on this evening's agenda relates to exterior construction. The public hearing was closed to the public and opened to thc Board for discussion. Motion was made by Commissioner LeGros to grant the variance request. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Krcssmmm, and a vote was taken. Motion carried, $ to 0. Variance granted. Item 5: Other Business G-reg Jones announced that Council recently acted to allow thc Board of Adjustment to consider variances on fence placement in PD zoned districts. Greg Jones reported that nine such variance requests, relati,n~g to PD zoned districts, have already been received for the Board's consideration at the August 3 meeting. Greg/ones announced that the Council Chambers will soon undergo renovation, at which time, thc Board of Adjustment meetings will be moved to the second floor conference room during thc remodeling period. He reported that board members will be contacted regarding meeting location changes. Aug-02-00 03:39P City of Coppell 972 304 3514 P.05 Page 4- July 6, 2000 Chairman Stonecipher reminded members that the deadline to submit renewal applications for Board of Adjustment terms is July 31~. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned. David Ston¢cipher, Chairman Mary Beth Spletzer, Rocording Secretary