Switching Stat/PP-CS 890411The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular called session on Tuesday, April 11, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of To~ Center. The following members were present: Dean Wilkerson, Mayor Pro Tem Walter Pettijohn, Councilman Tom Morton, Councilman Bill Smothermon, Councilman Jim Cowman, Councilman (late arrival) Mark Wolfe, Councilman John A. Nelson, Councilman Mayor Lou Duggan and City Manager Alan D Ratliff were not present. Also present were Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Frank Trando, City Secretary Dorothy Timmons and City Attorney Larry Jackson. Item 9: To consider approval of p~-~liminary plat for the Coppell Switching Station on a 3.407 acre site located on the northwest corner of Thweatt Road and Coppell Road at the request of TU Electric. Date of P&Z Meeting: 3-16-89 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-1) with providing the right-of way issue be resolved with Staff prior to final platting; the wall issue be resolved with Staff before final platting; the landscaping issue be resolved with Staff, and the applicant come forward with a completed plat for final plstting. Russell Doyle, City Engineer, presented this item to the Council. indicated the applicant is requesting three (3) variances which are l~sted on the plat, and called to Council's attention the stipulations and conditions provided by the Planning and Zoning Commission of their recommendations for approval of this plat. Mr. Doyle indicated the City is looking for additional right-of-way for Coppell and Thweatt Ro~ds. Mr. Mark Carpenter representing the applicant, also spoke to the ' Conncil on this item. He indicated a concern from Texas Utilities regarding donation of additional right-of-way due to the fact that the Federal Government.and REA Commission would have to become involved and approve any dedication of right-of-way at this site. For this reason the applicant would prefer to grant some type of an easement as opposed to right-of-way. Fol!owfng further discussion on this item, Councilman Smotbermon moved that the plat be approved with the following variances: a. The City will allow rock rather than concrete on th~ yard; and b. the City will allow rock rather than concrete on the driveway with the exception that when the road is improved the driveway will become concrete; and c. the City will allow open ditch drainage until such time as the road is widened, at which time the drainage will be enclosed; and d. the easement requirements will be worked out with staff prior to final plat. Councilman Wolfe seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Wolfe and Nelson votin~ in favor of the motion.