Switching Stat/FP-AG 890613 AGENDA REQUEST FORM THE CITY WITH A B~.~U~,FUL ~u~,~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 13, 1989 ITEM NO. ITEM CAPTION: Re-consideration of a Final Plat for the Coppell Switching Station, on a 3.4_~ acre site located on the northwest corner of Thweatt Road and Sandy LMz~ Road, at ~,he request of TU Ele~t)r~~ SUBMITTED E~: -(Direc~6~'s-'~i~6a~e)~ - ' ST : Ru.ssell ~ C~y Engineer J k~_~~Peiffer, Ginn, IncT. OTHER R~P.: EVALUATION OF ITEM: DATE: On May 9, 1989, the City Council denied this plat, waiving all fees for the plat to be re-considered at a future date. The applicant has requested City Council consideration and approval at this time. BL~GET AMT.: N/A AMT. ESTIMATED: AMT. +/- BUDGET: COM/~ENTS: FINANCIAL REVIEW BY: LEGAL REVIEW BY: REVIEWED BY CM: AGEndA REQ FORM. 0588DS CITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND/OR RECOMMENDATIONS Item # ;~ City Council Meeting: 6-13-89 The attached letter was hand-delivered to Mr. Tom Parsons, District Manager, TU Electric. Mr. Parsons has indicated that this letter reflects our negotiated agreement. In general, TU will donate the right-of-way for Coppell and Thweat Roads at this site and the Old Brazos Light right-of-way along Sandy Lake Road, as well as the cost of relocating that line within our right-of-way when Sandy Lake is improved. In return for this we recommend you agree not to assess TU for the street paving costs. We believe that this agreement will result in significant cost savings to the City in the future right-of-way acquisition and utility power line relocations. We recommend you approve this plat and include this condi, tion in the motion approving this plat. You can instruct the City Attorney to draft any necessary legally binding documents to secure this commitment before the plat is signed by the Mayor. CITY OF COPPELL ESCROW AGREEMENT For and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the City of Coppell hereinafter called "City" and TU Electric hereinafter called "Developer", do hereby agree as follows, to-wit: WHEREAS, the current City policies (Subdivision Ordinance Appendix A, Section 17) require that in new areas, a Developer install major public improvements where required in or adjacent to said addition. Developer has elected to develop Coppell Switchinq Station, at the northwest corner of Coppell and Thweatt Roads, in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas. In lieu of the developers obligation to construct their 1/2 of the paving and drainaqe improvements on Coppell Road and Thweatt Road, along their frontaqe (see exhibit A), Developer agrees to place in escrow $140,204.00 for the construction of aforesaid major public improvements. This dollar amount being based on the current estimated pro rata charges of $200.00 per front foot cost, for half of a six lane divided major thoroughfare. THEREFORE, the Developer does hereby deposit $140,204.00, which will be held in the sole name of the City in an interest bearinG account to draw interest at the current rate. No withdrawals shall be made until such time as the above mentioned improvements are made. After completion and acceptance of the above mentioned improvements by the City, the difference between the escrowed funds (oriGinal amount escrowed plus accrued interest) and the actual cost shall be refunded to the Developer. In the event that actual cost of above mentioned improvements exceed the escrowed funds (ori§inal amount escrowed plus accrued interest) the Developer will be assessed the difference. Payable within ten (10) days of notice. THE CITY may issue Building Permits on the aforesaid property without the requirement of the aforementioned improvements, and upon deposit of Escrow Funds described herein. Signed and Executed this the day of 19 Developer Mayor Attest: City Secretary CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM May 22, 1989 TO: Mayor and City Council .~/ FROM: Alan D. Ratliff, City Manager SUBJECT: Meeting 5-17-89 ADR/Larry Jackson/Tom Parsons and Other TU Representatives REF: TU Final Plat Mr. Tom Parsons, District Manager, TU Electric, expressed his concern with having to pay street assessment for the widening of Coppell and Thweatt Roads when they were donating/providing the right-of-way for the widening of the two roads. Mr. Parsons expressed the viewpoint that as a franchisee of the city, they should be given consideration for this relationship and should not have to donate/provide right-of-way and also pay street assessments. I have attempted to find some basis by which we could come to agreement in this matter and suggested to Mr. Parsons that if TU would: 1) pay the costs for relocating utilities along Sandy Lake Road (the old Brazos Power & Light private right-of-way), and 2) donate right-of-way to the City, then in all likelihood, you would find this an acceptable trade for the paving costs. Mr. Parsons indicated he felt this would be acceptable to TU. I have been concerned for some time that when the City attempts to widen and pave Sandy Lake Road we would have to pay for this privately acquired right-of-way. This proposed trade appears to be favorable to the City of Coppell and could save the City this possible expense. We recommend that you attempt to secure and approve this arrangement at the time you approve TU's final plat on June 13th. thisPlease agreement, let me know if you have any questions or comments on aDR/dgc xc: Larry Jackson, City Attorney Frank Trando, Deputy City Manager/Finance Director RUssell Doyle, City Engineer CITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATION Item # / ~ City Council Meeting 5-9-89 City Council has to take action if filing date is within 30 days of when P&Z acted on item. Tom Parsons of TU Electric has indicated a desire to have additional discussions on this item; therefore, we recommend that City Council deny this item with the instructions that it be placed on the June 13th City Council agenda.