Switching Stat/FP-AG 890509Rev. 4-24-89 AGENDA REQUEST FORM, ,~.~,~.u~.~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 9, 1989 ITEM NO. ITEM CAPTION: Consideration of a Final Plat for the Coppell Switching Station, on a 3.407 acre site located on the northwest corner of Thweatt Road and Sa~ Lake Road, at the request of TU Electric. SUBMITTED EY: ~_~/.~/~~/ . STAFF R. EP.: Russell R. Doylet P.E. 7 City Engineer (Direct6~f~ s' ~i~na~e) - / OTHER REP.: Kevin Pei~ffer~ P.E./G, inn , EVALUATION OF ITEM: DATE: The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item at the April Z0, 1989, P&Z meeting and recommended approval (4-1) with stipulations. See staff report and draft minutes (item 8) attached. ~.~ P&Z recommendations included approving variances: 1--using rock versus concrete for yard surface Z--open ditch drainage 4--rock instead of concrete drive (concrete to be added when street widened) and amending variance 43 to read: "To provide full landscaping on the Coppell Road and Thweatt Road sides, extending Z0 feet past the present fence on both the north and the west." Staff recommends escrow agreement be executed and that separate dedication easements for R.O.W. be executed and filed before final plat apl~roval. BUDGET AMT.: N/A AMT. ESTIMATED: AMT. +/- BUDGET: COMMENTS: FINANCIAL REVIEW BY: LEGAL REVIEW BY: REVIEWED BY CM: ~~~ .... AGENDA REQ FORM. 0588D~ ..... ' Minu~es of May 9, 1989 -~ CI]'Y tVJ NACA The City Council of the City of Coppell met in a spec executive session at 7:00 p.m. in tb~ Council ~Ixecutive Chambers of Town Center. EXFLIFrlVE SESSION 7:00 p.m. (Closed to the public) Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning persormel 1. Rmview performance evaluation of City Manager Mayor Duggan declared the public session closed for an Executive Session on Tuesday, May 9, 1989, at 7:00 p.m. as allowed under the above recited article. Mayor Duggan adjourned the Executive Session at 7:25 p.m. on Tuesday, May 9, 1989, and opened the public session. Open to the public The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular called session on Tuesday, May 9, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Ch~ers of Town Center. The following ~rs w~re present: Lou Duggan, Mayor Dean Wilkerson, Mayor Pro Tern Walter Pettijohn, Councilman Tom Morton, Counci~ Bill Smothermon, Councilman Jim Co~mmn, Councilman Mark Wolfe, Counci]m~n John A. Nelson, Councilman Also present %~.re City Manager Alam D. Ratliff, City Attorney Imrry Jackson and City Secretary Dorothy T~mr~ns. Mayor Duggan called the mmetir~ to order and asked everyone to stand while Councilman $m~thermon gave thru invocation. ~ollowing thru invocation Mmyor Duggan led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Item 18: Consideration of a Final Plat for th~ Coppell Switching Station on a 3.407 acre site located on the northwest corner of Thw~att Road and Sandy Lake Road at the request of TU Electric. City Engineer Russell Doyle made the presentation to the City Council. Following a sort discussion period Councilman Morton moved to deny the final plat for the Coppell Switching Station on a 3.407 acre site located on the northwest corner of Thw~att Road and Sandy ~mke Road at the requmst of TU Electric without prejudice to be brought back to the City Council at the next regular scheduled City Council meeting of May 23, 1989. Mayor Pro Tern Wilkerson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Wilkerson, Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Co%z~n, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 19A: Consider ren~m~l of item tabled at the 3-14-89 City Council m~eting. Councilman Smothermon moved to approve the r~mnval of item tabled at the CITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATION Item # /~ City Council Meeting 5-9-89 City Council has to take action if filing date is within 30 days of when P&Z acted on item. Tom Parsons of TU Electric has indicated a desire to have additional discussions on this item; therefore, we recommend that City Council deny this item with the instructions that it be placed on the June 13th City Council agenda. CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Date: April 20, 1989 PLANNING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT RE: Coppell Switching Station - Final Pldt LOCATION: A 3.407 acre site, located on the northwest corner of Thweatt Road and Sandy Lake Road. REQUEST: Approval of a final plat. APPLICANT: TU Electric Company TRANSPORTATION: SUMMARY: Staff requests the following items be agreed to prior to approval of the final plat: (1) Separate dedication instruments for future road easements be executed and filed with the City prior to proceeding to Council. (2) Items per the City Council on April 11, 1989, (Preliminary Plat). (3) Applicant agree to enter into escrow agreement with the City of Coppell for their pro-rata share of improvements to Thweatt and Coppell Roads. (Total Due: $140,204.00). (4) Add note to the plat that after adjacent roads are improved, within 30 days thereafter, applicant shall install landscape as required per the Streetscape Plan. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve with variances 2. Approve with conditions 3. Deny ATTACHMENTS: 1. Final Plat 2. Copy of City Council minutes of April 11, 1989 (Regarding the Preliminary Plat). TU IIIELECTRIC Nr. Kevin Pei fret' En-~i neerine' Department City of' Copr>eti P.O. Box 473 CoDpe 11 . Texa.~ 75C.'92 Dear xlr. Peiffer: '[ am submJttino~ a final annJication and SDeeia.1 Use remit (SKF} for the btd ldin~_ permit for our sro~osed t38 kV electric substation to be constructed on the northwest corner of the intersection of Thweatt Road arid fonneli Road tn Cc)noel l. Texas. I am also incluzlin~ t~4ent, vt~4o (22} conies of our final plat. si. re. and landscape plans for your review4. In addition, i am at.tach,tm a 713 Electric cheek in the amotmt of $195.41 to cover the final ~)!at and Special Use Permit. Tou~ assistance ~,'}th Lb is important Dro.iect to provide a continued reliable aru~ ade(n~ate SllDD]V Of electric energy t.o our customers in CODDe]] i .c, at)Dr'e{ '~ at~i. Very truly yours. 51ark Carpenter. Supervisor Substation En_~ineerin_~ k'?lC/RST: arab Attachments cc: Xlr. Rickv Eads - TI.'. Fa~'mer's Branch 1511 Bryan Street P.O. Box 660268 Dallas, Texas 75266-0268 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular called session on Tuesday,'April 11, 1989, at 7:3G p.m. in the Council Chambers of To~m Center. The following members were present: Dean Wilkerson, Mayor Pro Tem Walter Pettijohn, Councilman Tom Morton, Councilman Bill Smothermon, Councilman Jim Cowman, Councilman (late arrival) Mark Wolfe, Councilman John A. Nelson, Councilman Mayor Lou Duggan and City Manager Alan D. Ratliff were not present. Also present were Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Frank Trando, City Secretary Dorothy T~mmons and City Attorney Larry Jackson. Item 9: To consider approval cf p,.~liminary plat for the Coppell Switching Station on a 3.407 acre site located on the northwest corner of Thweatt Road and Coppell Road at the request of TU Electric. Date of P&Z Meeting: 3-16-89 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-1) with providing the right-of way issue be resolved with Staff prior to final platting; the wall issue be resolved with Staff before final platting; the landscaping issue be resolved with Staff. and the applicant come forward with a completed plat for final platting. Russell Doyle, City Engineer, presented this item to the Council. l!e indicated the applicant is requesting three (3) variances which are listed on the plat, and called to Council's attention the stipulations and conditions provided by the Planning and Zoning Commission of their recommendations for approval of this plat. Mr. Doyle indicated the City is looking for additional right-of-way for Coppell and Thweatt Ro~ds. Mr. Mark Carpenter, representing the applicant, also spoke to the Council on this item. He indicated a concern from Texas Utilities regarding donation of additional right-of-way due to the fact that the Federal Government.and REA Commission would have to become involved and approve any dedication of right-of-way at this site. For this reason the applicant would prefer to grant some type of sn easement as opposed to right-of-way. Following further discussion on this item, Councilman Smothermon moved that the plat be approved with the following variances: a. The City will allow rock rather than concrete on the yard; and b. the City will allow rock rather than concrete on the driveway with the exception that when the road is improved the driveway will become concrete; and c. the City will allow open ditch drainage until such time as the road is widened, at which time the drainage will be enclosed; and d. the easement requirements will be worked out with staff prior to final plat. Cou~cilman Wolfe seconded the motion; motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Wolfe and CITY OF COPPELL ESCROW A6REEMEI~T For and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the City of Coppell hereinafter called "City" and TU Electric hereinafter called "Developer", do hereby agree as follows, to-wit: WHEREAS, the current City policies (Subdivision Ordinance Appendix A, Section 17) require that in new areas, a Developer install major public improvements where required in or adjacent to said addition. Developer has elected to develop Coppell Switchinq Station, at the northwest corner of Coppell and Thweatt Roads, in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas. In lieu of the developers obligation to construct their 1/2 of the paving and drainaqe improvements on Coppell Road and Thweatt Road, alon§ their frontaqe (see exhibit A), Developer agrees to place in escrow $140,204.00 for the construction of aforesaid major public improvements. This dollar amount being based on the current estimated pro rata charges of $200.00 per front foot cost, for half of a six lane divided major thoroughfare. THEREFORE, the Developer does hereby deposit $140,204.00, which will be held in the sole name of the City in an interest bearing account to draw interest at the current rate. No withdrawals shall be made until such time as the above mentioned improvements are made. After completion and acceptance of the above mentioned improvements by the City, the difference between the escrowed funds (original amount escrowed plus accrued interest) and the actual cost shall be refunded t6 the Developer. In the event that actual cost of above mentioned improvements exceed the escrowed funds (original amount escrowed plus accrued interest) the Developer will be assessed the difference. Payable within ten (10) days of notice. THE CITY may issue Building Permits on the aforesaid property without the requirement of the aforementioned improvements, and upon deposit of Escrow Funds described herein. Signed and Executed this the day of 19 Developer Mayor Attest: City Secretary '~'~ELECTRIC April 14, 1989 Kevin E. Peiffer, P.E. Engineering Department City of Coppell P.O. Box 473 Coppell, Texas 75092 Per your telephone conversation with our office, we are removing our request for a variance of landscaping requirements on the final plat package for Coppell Switching Station. Very truly yours, P~rk Carpenter, Super%-isor Substation Engineering W>E/RST:amb cc: b~. Tom Parsons - Farmers Branch Mr. Ricky Eads - TU Farmers Branch 1511 Bryan Street P.O. Box 660268 Dallas. Texas 75266-0268 Minutes of April 20, 1989 Planning and Zoning Commission The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Coppell met in pre-session at 7:00 p.m., and in regular session at 7:30 p.m., on Thursday, April 20, 1989, in the Coppell Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard. The following members were present: Chairman Joe Munsch Commissioner Green Commissioner Johnson Commissioner Redford Commissioner Thomas Commissioner Tunnell Commissioner Weaver was absent. Also present were City Engineer Russell Doyle, Acting P&Z Coordinator /Consultant Engineer Kevin Peiffer and Administrative Secretary Linda Glidewell. Chairman Munsch called the meeting to order and everyone was asked to stand while Commissioner Thomas gave the invocation. AGENDA Item 4: Approval of minutes of March 16, 1989. Commissioner Redford moved to approve the minutes of March 16, 1989. Commissioner Green seconded the motion; motion carried (6-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Thomas and Tunnell voting in favor of the motion. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item 5: Public Hearing to consider approval of a zoning change Case #s-1042, from {R) Retail to (C-SUP) Commercial Special Use Permit, for a proposed Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant, south of Sandy Lake Road on Denton Tap, next to the existing McDonald's restaurant, at the request of Kentucky Fried Chicken. City Engineer Russell Doyle introduced the item to the Commission. He stated that the applicant has removed the monument sign from the zoning exhibit, and included their request for a middle drive-way. However, he stated that staff can not support this request. Mr. Dan Johnson of Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Mr. Robert Howman of Ayres and Associates Engineers were present to represent this case. Mr. Johnson stated that convenient accessibility is an essential element of a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant. He stated that that is their reason for requesting the additional drive-way. Mr. Johnson also stated that they feel this approach is absolutely necessary for the success of the restaurant. He then stated that without the drive, this restaurant could be subject to fall-out. Consultant Engineer Kevin Peiffer stated that Staff's concern is that the issue of ingress and egress needs to be addressed. Kevin then pointed out that the Commissioners should have in their packet copies of the Subdivison Ordinance sections addressing speed limits versus drive-way locations. Chairman Munsch then declared the public hearing open and asked for persons wishing to speak in opposition to this request. There were none. He then asked for persons wishing to speak in favor of the request. Again there were none. Following discussion, Commissioner Thomas moved to approve Case #S-1042 as submitted. Commissioner Redford seconded the motion; motion carried (6-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Thomas and Tunnell voting in f~.vor of the motion. Item 6: Public Hearing to consider approval of a zoning change, Case # S-1043, from (C) Commercial/(R) Retail, to (C/R-SUP) Commercial/Retail Special Use Permit, for the operation of "A Slice of Ice" snow cone stand, located at the corner of Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap Road, on the northern most corner of the TownOaks Shopping Center, at the request of Jeff and Lee Anne Burk. Commissioner Tunnell excused herself from the remainder of the meeting at this time. PLATTING Item ?: To consider approval of a Final Plat for Kentucky Fried Chicke , located south of Sandy Lake Road on Denton Tap Road, next to the existing McDonald's restaurant, at the request of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Item 8: To consider approval of a Final Plat for the Coppell Switching Station, on a 3.407 acre site located on the northwest corner of Thweatt Road and Sandy Lake Road, at the request of TU Electric. City Engineer Russell Doyle introduced the item to the Commission. He stated that Staff would like the following items agreed to if the Commission approves this plat: Item 1: that separate dedication instruments be required for the future road; (Items (2) and (4) should be deleted from Staff's recommendation, the applicant has agreed to comply with the City's Landscape Ordinance); Item 3: that an escrow agreement be entered into with the City, prior to City Council; and an additional item, that the applicant resolve the issue of the screening wall with Staff. Mr. James Allen of TU Electric was present to represent this item. Mr. Allen stated that they are requesting to build this joint Brazos/TU Electric facility on an existing Brazos Electric site at the corner of Thweatt and Coppell Road. He also stated that they are asking for three variances, and that they have withdrawn their variance to the Landscape Ordinance. Mr. Allen stated that they are going to submit their landscape plans to Staff, and comply with the landscape requirements. Following discussion Commissioner Johnson moved to approved the final plat for the Coppell Switching Station with variances 1, 2 and 4; and variance 3 be amended to provide full landscaping on the Coppell Road and Thweatt Road sides, extending 20 feet past the present fence on both the north and the west, and the landscaping be extended to match. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried (4-1) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson and Thomas voting in favor of the motion, and Commissioner Redford voting against the motion. Commissioner Redford excused himself from the remainder of the meeting at this time. Item 9: To consider approval of a Final Plat for Heartz Road, located south of Parkway Boulevard, and north of Sandy Lake Road, at the request of ABQ Development. Russell Doyle introduced the item to the Commission. He stated that Staff has no objections to the approval of the request; however, Staff would request that decorative stone be added to the head walls at the lake; and that the applicant show sanitary sewer easements on the plat, and provide separate dedication of easements befor~ City Council approval. Mr. Jay Chester of ABQ Development and Mr. Jerry Parche of Parche Consulting Engineers were present to represent this item. Mr. Chester stated that the City will pursue dedication on the Perkins tract, and they are dedicating only what they own. Consulting Engineer Kevin Peiffer then stated that the City is currently working on obtaining that right-of-way. Following discussion Commissioner Thomas moved to approve the final plat for Heartz Road. Commissioner Green seconded the motion; motion carried (4-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson and Thomas voting in favor of the motion. Item 10: To consider approval of a Final Plat for Northlake Woodlands