Switching Stat/FP-CS 890420 PLANNING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT /~,-~ RE: Coppell Switching Station- Final Platz~J '~~Y/~L/~~~ ! ~' LOCATION: A 3.407 acre site, located on the northwest cor~e/~ of Thweatt Road and Sandy Lake Road. ~ ~/ REQUEST: Approval of a final plat~ A??LICANT: TU Electric C ' TRANSPORTATION: ~ ~/~v /~d~f S .~.U~RS'~ Staff requests the following i/ems be agreed to prior to //' .~r~ approval of the final plat: /. /3 ~/~/ (1) Separate dedication instruments for future road ~f~ ,/ easements be executed and filed with the City prior to ~ ~ ~2) Items per the City Council on April 11, 1989, ?~-~-~3) Applicant agree to enter into escrow agreement wi th ~'~_~.~.~,~ '.~.~/ the City of Coppell for their pro-rata share of ~.~c-~,.~,~.~.~ improvements to Thweatt and Coppell Roads. (Total / ~,,N4) Add note to the plat that after adjacent roads are ~ '~, improved, within 30 days thereafter, applicant shall ~2%~ install landscape as required per the Streetscape Plan. 2. Approve with conditions 3. Deny / ATTACHMENTS: 1. Final Plat 2. Copy of City Council minutes of April 11, 1989 (Regardin~ the Preliminary Plat).