Serv Ctr CR/MP-CS011025 DALLAS COUNTY COUNTY CLERK EARL BULLOCK PLAT MAP RECORDING SHEET INSTRUMENT # 10/;35/01 P-9100£3 $;a6.00 ~_~ps unen/orce ~ cause , ~a~ ~ u e?**. [~le under.f~eral la~ of COlOr or race ~L _ ~. szamped he~o 'n~mment was filed ul~ r U~ DAL~ page. of the n~ ~e and was duly r.;~.~. ~e date an~ ~C~ ~~ VOLUME&PAGEOFRECO OU--" PLAT MAP Rec. ordR Bt]ildina Dallas. Texas 75202 I'P 14'~ 653-7131