Serv Ctr CR/MP-CS010831 City of Coppell Planning Department PROCEDURE FOR THE FILING OF EXECUTED FINAL PLAT~ AND REPLATS FollowSng approval of the final plat/replat by ~~~_~,. '",~ of the plat as required by the City Council, the informa' submission of the Final Executed Plat to tb · Transmittal letter, including the naw · Eight (8) 24 x 36 black lines or C)I,-4~ '~ ~c~. ~ '~x'4, .k lines must be folded in a 8 56" x your use; however, one (1) pap ~dafterfihng, seven (7) pap,~x. ,w~l~a~ ~.'4''n d--. .eCity. · All blank spaces completec' ~.,~d. .d ..~ I_ Q~ ~ . t be , ~ . ar ~! . wped or printed below ea ~ I. i',~. .,a, , ~bl,.mls- It will take approximate' i-~,o~ 6o,..~/~~.~.. ,ty Officials. Once proper signature.~' C~,.,~ ~! --t"~ex, 3' q.13x~_vt3 ['/ ,rill telephone the contact person to ptc ~'~ &~ ~ C~ ]'G aty Clerk. Please return the seven (7) bin,.. -"% C~:3L, ~~ ~. xL/ (%' :partment. reflecting on each sheet the Volume anu. '-'"~*~ ~N -'<~..[ .to which the plat was filed. If the final plat;replat has not been submitted for ~.~ 2ity officials within six (6) months after approval, the plat shall be deemed nu, ~oid, and resubmittal shall be required. For additional information, contact the Planning Department at (972) 304-3678. *PLEASE NOTE: Tax Certificates from each taxing entity (city, school district, and county) having jurisdiction over the property showing that all taxes have been paid, must be provided to Datlas/Denton County at the time of filing. DO NOT SUBMIT TAX CERTIFICATES TO THE CITY OF COPPELL (See attachment)