Serv Ctr CR/MP-CS001023Subdivision Application Planning Department 255 Parkway Blvd. Minor Plat (4 lo: Coppell, TX 75219 Phone: (972) 304-3678 &i~g ~ Fax: (972) 3~-3570 Minor Amendin~: (4 1o~ or less) Note: Applic~ons are accepted for submiRM p~or to the filing ~e. ~e ~lin~ ~e shM! be ex~t~ 29 ~ys p~or to the ~e of the Planning ~d ~ning Co~ission mee~ng ~ which the ~plic~ons will be consMered. Filing Date: ~ L~ N~e of Applic~t: C~ty of ~oppell - Se~ee Address: Coppel 1 Road Coppell, ~exas 75019 Telephone Number: (972)662-0022 Fax Number: (912)306-36~3 V~duad & Aaaoc~ates Fi~ Preparing Plat: Address: 13669 ~onfort Dr. Suite 200 Dallas, Texas ~5260-6503 Telephone Number: (9~2) 934-8888 Fax Number: (972)458-2323 All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: Name: Sheri Moino, Facilities t4_ana~er - City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Address: Coppell, Texas 75019 Telephone Number: (972)304-3558 Fax Ntunber: (972)304-3673 Name of Subdivision: General Location of Property: Present Zoning: Proposed Subdivision Contains: Single Family Commercial l'ownhouse 'Retail Duplex Light Industrial Multi-I~ amily l~laan~ Development Mobile Home Yloodplain Owner's Signature: . -