Serv Ctr DF/SPRv-DR 980625 (3)5UN-26-1998 88:58 CITY OF COPPELL 14 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMI I TEE FIRE PI~VENTION COMMENT,,~ ~ © ~ i] ~ ''~ ITEM: S~.g~Tc_~ C~g, ~~IS~O~ O~C~S ~ ' ~' DRC DA~: ~ ~, 1~8 ~ ~, ~ ~ 6 ~~;~ COMM~.NT STATUS: - INITIAL PRELIMINARY FINAL 1. All portions of thc buildings are to bc within 150 feet of a fire lane. Show locations of Indicate locations of fire hydrants. 3. A fully automatic fire sprinkler system is required. 4. A full fire alarm system is requixed.