Creekview P2/SP001010T H E C I T Y O F' ~ COPiSEL£ AGENDA REQUEST FORM t ~- .~-~,% '~,.~ '~~CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 10, 2000 ITEM # __~ ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Creekview 2, Lot 3, Block B, Site Plan, to allow the development of an office building on approximately 1.95 acres of property located along the east side of S. Denton Tap Road; south of Bethel Road. SUBMITTE~ TITLE: -~Dixectolmf-Pta~ing and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: A PP,q 0 VED Ci Y CGUNC!L DA"- Date of P&Z Meeting: September 21, 2000 Decision ofP&ZCommission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners McCaffrey, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: 1) The ...~.14~..,~. oh.n ....... . .....~. ........ ~ c~.~ T .-* ~ r,~.~.; .... TT All fire lane easements shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. (CONDITION PARTIALLY MET) City Council must approve the proposed living screen in lieu of a 6'-high maSonry wall. · ...a ~:..k. ..... :c .... (COND MET) ql., ........... ,4 .--,,--,Ir,,-,. ,,.,l~'.,,,.,,a,~.,4,-,lo ,,~.,,., .-.~,O~lj.s-rp.,,..~t gl~'l ...... f:~ ........ , .... j. · (CONDITION MET) 5) ® Staff recommends approval. Agenda Request Form - litevised 5/00 r;1,...,...,~ .....-. · ..... ~. .... ,... ,.~ ~..~,...~ ...4,~.:.. a. ........ .~ ..~.4.:.... 1.., (CONDITION MET) If additional retaining walls are required, they shall be designed to match the proposed pavestone retaining walls. (CONDITION MET) Landscape Plan and Site Plan need to be consistent (entrance radii). CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name: ~CreekvSP CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: CREEKVIEW 2, LOT 3, BLOCK B, SITE PLAN P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: September 21, 2000 October 10, 2000 Along the east side of S. Denton Tap Road; south of Bethel Road. Approximately 1.95 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: R (Retail) REQUEST: Site Plan approval for a 2-story office building. APPLICANT: Applicant: Creekview II Partners, L.P. 465 S. Denton Tap Road Coppell, Texas 75019 (972) 4894140 Fax: 972-393-3917 Engineer: Nathan D, Maier Consulting Engineers 8080 Park Lane, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 85231 (214) 7394741 Fax: 214-739-5961 HISTORY: TRANSPORTATION: SURROUNDING LAND USE North- South - East- West - Lot 3, Block B Creekview 1I was originally platted as part of the Creekview Addition. City Council approved a final plat on June 8, 1993 for Phase II in its entirety. Demon Tap Road is a P6D, six-lane divided improved major thoroughfare contained within a 120' right-of-my. Bethel Road is an improved residemial road east of Demon Tap within an 80-foot right- of-way. & ZONING: existing optometrist's office, "R" Retail "R" Retail existing plant nursery; single-family; "PD-SF-9", Planned Develo vacant; "PD-LF', for church use Item # 15 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for retail development. DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting the development of a two-story, 16,200 square foot office building on 1.95 acres of property. The site contains a significant amount of trees, with the rear portion of the site located within the 100-year floodplain. No ground disturbance will occur within the floodplain. The proposed layout of the site allows for the preservation of most of the existing trees, which range in size from 7" to 30" in caliper. As a result of the developmem, only four trees will be lost, with the largest measuring 10" in caliper. Staff commends the applicant's efforts to preserve such a large number of trees located throughout the site. The design of the site is unique in that the office building is separated from the parking lot by a channel. A 70' long elevated wood walkway and deck over a natural, undisturbed area will provide access to the building from the parking lot. This undisturbed area contains at least 30 existing trees. The architecture of the proposed office building will be of a scale similar to the adjacem office buildings to the north, measuring approximately 34' in height to the peak. The primary exterior material will be red brick, supplemented by a lighter (tan) stone around the bottom 4-5 feet of the building. White accent brick will surround all windows. According to Section 33-1 of the Zoning Ordinance, a six-foot screening fence would be required between this use and the residential subdivisions to the east. This fence would be required to be placed within the heavily treed, flood plain area. Staff has recommended that a note be placed on the site plan to request City Council waive this screening fence requirement, per sub-section 33.1.8 of this Ordinance. This heavily treed area should be a sufficient visual buffer between this office and the existing residential uses and staff is in support of this request. Parking As shown on the site plan, there is one row of parking toward the rear of the site, which contains less than the minimum 5 spaces. The situation has been created because of the preservation of two existing trees within the landscape island. The applicant will be required to apply for a Special Exception to the Board of Adjustment, per Section 34-1-8 (B.3) of the Landscape Ordinance allowing for rows of parking with less than 5 spaces. Item # 15 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of the proposed site plan subject to the following conditions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) The applicant shall request replat approval for Lot 3, Creekview II. All fire lane easements shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. Special Exception approval by the Board of Adjuslment, per Section 34-1-8 (B.3) of the Landscape Ordinance allowing for rows of parking with less than 5 spaces. City Council must approve the proposed living screen in lieu of a 6'-high masonry wall. Show proposed color of materials on monumem sign and light source, if any. Provide a note on the site plan that all mechanical units shall be screened fi.om view. Provide detailed information on proposed "security lighting", including manufacturer's specifications, lumens, and height, to ensure that all lighting is sufficiently shielded from adjacent residential properties. Eliminate two trees shown to be located within the proposed parking lot. If additional retaining walls are required, they shall be designed to match the proposed pavestone retaining walls. ALTERNATIVES: 1) 2) 3) 4) Recommend approval of the request Recommend disapproval of the request Recommend modification of the request Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Site Plan Landscape Plan Topographic Survey Tree Survey Elevations (Sheets A-5 & A-6) Item# 15